Painful Sex?

Do to an injury I wasn't able to own sex with my boyfriend for a month or two since my surgery and now that I hold had my surgery and heal we tried having sex again and it is beyond tight. Its been in the order of 6 months. It hurts more than when I had sex for the first time. Is near anything I can do to relieve that pain? It hurts so fruitless that we have to stop. What should I do. I own tired lubricants and longer foreplay and nothing seem to work.

My inner innner labia are bigger than my outer ones, is this normal?

Go spinal column to your doctor, sounds like something may own happened during the surgery.

Women next to PCOS what is the range for average testosterone levels?

How roughly speaking. GO ASK YOUR DOCTOR!! the stupid nincumpoops here are not worth trusting! JST GO C A D A M N DOCTOR!

What are these symtoms related to?


Why don't women like/want/desire/enjoy/or think more or less sex as much as men do?

See a gynaecologist ASAP

When I fart it smells like poo. Is it majority.?

Look into the convents around the country. Just teasing.
There are seriously of things you can do. If vaginal entry hurts for you, that isn't the way to do it. What give you pleasure? Do that.
As for your guy, that's the easy slice. Guys get rotten on almost anything. He'd be happy next to a bj and a hummer.

Attention anyone who has endometriosis or know someone who has it, I enjoy a question on the subject of pain.?

I doubt it's an allergic criticism to latex. That causes burning sensations and can do hives and the like. Plus it usually clears up inside 24 hrs of keeping the latex source away from you.
What did you have the surgery on?
Are you currently on any medication as a result of the injury and/or surgery? Perhaps there is a side effect of the drug(s) i.e. causing the adverse sexual recoil. This could also be a psychological issue. There are many sexual dysfunctions that are cause by something psychologolical. Now I am not saying you are nuts or anything lately that maybe your mind is cause you to feel spasm out of fear or anxiety or something of the close to. Talk to your gynecologist as soon as possible. Let them know what you've been through within the past year and what sexual problems you are have. They will be able to backing you or at the least point you in the right direction for the assist you require.

Good Luck and May the God and Goddess Bless.

How could iincrease my weight?

You may own secondary vaginismus. This website explains adjectives about it: If that's not it, probably you should see another doctor and get a second evaluation?

Is this normal?

Latex allergies are quite common, they do formulate non-latex condoms, you may want to try them and see if it makes a difference.
Otherwise if the strain is not along your vaginal walls your uterus may have shifted mildly and sex can hit your cervix and be discomfited, ask your partner not to penetrate as overpoweringly, if that is the covering. Good luck.

Ladies & Gentleman?

umm than don't use a condom duhh just use a sponge surrounded by the vagina that should work

How can I find a deodorant that is one and only a deodorant and not an anti-perspirant?

i dont ilke sex marriage is the just good have an idea that

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