Gardasil vaccine question?

I read that there is a recommended age scope from 11 - 26 for women who should be vaccinated near the Gardasil vaccine. I am a 28 year old woman who have never had sexual intercourse. Can I still seize the vaccine? Is there a idea for the age range?

Help plz!!!?

They lowered the age to 9. Gardasil is approved for use by girls and women ages 9 through 26. The company estimates here are 118 million people within that age range contained by the United States, Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. That's how they came up beside the age range.

As far as Gardasil is concerned, nearby are still many sanctuary issues concerning the vaccine. It is still very hot on the market. There isn't satisfactory information on the risks of this vaccine to make an informed verdict that it is safe at this point.

According to the Merck product capitalist insert, there be 1 case of juvenile arthritis, 2 cases of rheumatoid arthritis, 5 cases of arthritis, and 1 case of reactive arthritis out of 11,813 Gardasil recipient plus 1 case of lupus and 2 cases of arthritis out of 9,701 participant primarily receiving an aluminum containing placebo. Clinical trial investigators dismissed most of the 102 Gardasil and placebo associated serious adverse events, including 17 death, that occurred surrounded by the clinical trials as unrelated.

Good luck!

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