This is the third time Ive asked this sound out, somebody please supply me a TRUE answer!!?

okay so I'm on bc and I know that skipping the placebo pill has no affect on how effective the pill works against pregnancy, but I be wondering if you don't take any of the placebo pills, if it takes longer for your time to come around. I've been on bc for about 4 years and unbelievably seldom forget one, in the last month I own not, but it seems like the months I filch the placebos my period comes faster and when I skip them it comes later, stressing me out, which I know make it worse. any thoughts?

I started today (:?

I'm surprised no one has given you a physical answer yet. The answer is no. The placebo pills have positively no effect on when your period comes. It's probably made out of sugar, although it's possible that it also contains a bit of iron supplement, since women usually need more iron when they menstruate. But that wouldn't put together your period come faster. The time that your period comes is dependent on when your hormone level dip; the only way you can affect it is by finish the 21-pill cycle earlier or later.

At the risk of sounding cheesy, I infer you're experiencing a placebo effect. :)

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The placebos do not have any effect on you. They are just a reminder. The longer you are on bc, the after that periods come and they also become lighter. Don't let it stress you out. If you forget to give somebody a lift one, you can catch up right away. Stress also makes your interval come later which you already know. So, just maintain taking the placebos if it makes you feel better.

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Skipping your placebos (unless they are iron enhanced) should enjoy no bearing on when your period comes. If, equally, your birth control prescription is a 28 day iron regimen, (which includes the placebos), this could cause your length to come faster when you do take the placebos and slower when you do not.

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i say consult to a doctor, but placebo is just another word for sugar pills. so think roughly speaking it, if you're taking a sugar pill along with your birth control pills, of course it can mess beside your cycle... or you can just say **** the pill and acquire the shot, much less of a hassle and you never get your time of year on the shot anyway.

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Depends on the pill the doctor has you taken give them a ring and they will tell you. Some pills the placebo pill is nothing others are a small dose of hormone. You can also phone call the pharmacy and ask, best of luck..

Birth Control Question...?

Not to be rude, but if this is the 3rd time you are asking this question, why don't you call the doctor who prescribed the BC for you. Get a tangible answer from a doctor.

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everyone is different, but for me skipping the placebo pills didn't effect when my period came. it other came the same as when i did hold them.

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When I was on BC i never took the placebo pills. And it had no effect on my time of year. Hope this helps.

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Like you said the placebo has no effect on anything. Its generally put there so you wont forget to take the pill.
The placebo is so you won’t stop the routine of taking a pill.
Definition of Placebo A substance containing no medication and prescribed or given to reinforce a patient's expectation to attain well.
In your case expectation to attain your period
It’s all a psychological entity so when you take the placebo is like you know you interval is coming and you relax. When you don’t you are worried about getting your period. It’s adjectives a mental thing.
Just ask your doctor if you still are not sure.

Lost Tampon?

shut up!

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When did you attain your time ?
2 period a month?
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