I made an apoiment?

i go thurseday to a genocologist and im marshal scared do i dont know what there gonna do more or less me been 18 and never haveind a interval has anyone ever go to one please help me

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I can't imagine visit a gynecologist is very pleasant, however, things similar to that always give the impression of being worse ahead of time.

The main put somebody through the mill is "why no period" and that will be the focus of the visit.

After asking you a bunch of question they will likely want to do a pelvic exam. The function for that is at hand can be a block.like an extra tacky hymen that won't let blood previous it (imperforate hymen), or a cervix that is too dictatorial, absent, etc.

Next they should draw bloodwork, to trade name sure you have usual levels of LDH, FSH, estrogen, testosterone, etc. The stuff that make the cycle do it's thing.

I'm not sure if they will do this at the first call round, but they may try a "progesterone challenge", which is basically birth control that you clutch and after a day or two will any induce a period or not. The purpose they do that is to determine whether the defence you are not having a extent is lack of hormonal symmetry (if a period is induced) or a deficiency of your body to recieve the hormonal signal (if a period is not induced).

Your doctor will explain more details, but I hope explicitly helpful. Try not to be too worried, you'll have answers soon.

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Have you ever had sex? Either means of access, most likely they will bequeath you a pap smear. This is a very frequent and minor protocol. Every woman should progress yearly. You may also own to give blood so they can rule out any problems for your not have a period. Some girls own them as late as you. Are you athletic? Many athletic girls' period are delayed.

A pap smear usually consists of a breast exam and a pelvic. The pelvic is not painful and individual slightly uncomfortable (only because a human being you dont know well is down surrounded by your stuff). The take a moment or two contraption and place it inside you like a few inches and consequently they use it to help sympathetic you up. The doctor does a few routine checks with her fingers to rule out cancer or other problematic cell. Then she swabs the inside and that's pretty much it. All done! lol.
Don't worry, it's not so impossible, really.

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I was contained by the same boat, I be also 18 and never had a spell. They will more than likely act a pap smear and breast exam, give you a form for some labs (blood test - LDH, FSH, estrogen, testosterone ) and schedule an ultrasound to see if within is anything wrong with your ovaries or uterus. Don't be afraid! Just remember to relax and lift slow deep breaths.

More than potential you have a thyroid issue or a hormonal surrounded by balance, both are treatable. I would recommend a month of birth control for starters, after reviewing the lab results first as you would expect.

Good Luck!

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