I think I might have lost a tampon?! is this possible?!?!?

Ok so about an hour ago i be sitting and I could feel blood coming out approaching my tampon was leak or something, so i thought i needed to change it so i go into the bathroom.. and there be no tampon! I cant remember if i put one in or not! near were 3 surrounded by the garbage can, and if I put one contained by at 10 when i woke up, at 2 when i went somewhere and close to one at 6 or something then that would be 3, but I cant beliebve i would appropriate one out and just forget to put one final in. So i am totally stressing out. I be pushing really hard thinking it would come out but zilch, I cant feel anything in within when im pushing. Would i be able to be aware of it? I stuck a thing thats in the region of like 4 inches long up into my vagina thinking i could touch it pushing it in more if it was within there, but i didnt quality anything.

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Check near a doctor

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Gross, like we required to hear that

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You will have to dig out for it , it s in nearby

I took a pregnacy test and it come back glum but is it possible to have an etopic pregnacy still?

no it cannot take lost up there..near is no where for it to turn

I need to know?

no you cannot "loose" a tampon inside you...you probably forgot to put another in--I do that ALL the time!! lol

Is it run of the mill ?

Maybe to much sex is the reason you cant consistency it!

Could I be pregnant?

No. It's not possible for you to lose it. It get up in here and forms to you so don't worry. Nobody found your tampon or anything.

You must own forgotten to put one in. I hold done that, thinking of other things.

Bleeding for 3 weeks?

What goes within, will come out.


It could have happen. You should go to the doctor only just to be safe. Do you remember audible range about the toxic shock startle? A friend of my Mom's left her tampon surrounded by for too long and she had to enjoy a few of her fingers amputated.

Better safe than sorry

Could i return with pregnant?

the only item I can think of (not to be gross) is to surface up there yourself near your fingers to see if you can feel it if you really deliberate one is in in that you need to find out because that can cause adjectives kinds of problems .

im im fell light head, tired especially at work, always hungry but my extent was 4 morning late and i have no?

If you stuck your finger in there and couldn't perceive anything, then you probably do not hold a tampon in. Also, where on earth did the string go? Finally, you probably did basically take it out and forgot to put a hot one in. There's be a few times, where I go pee, and just pulled up my pant. I mean you do solely have your extent once a month, it's not that crazy of you to forget about it for a moment. I am sure you're fine. Quit freaking. And don't stick unexpected things in your vagina. You should be able to surface a tampon with your finger. Also, you could try getting a mirror and looking up at hand.

Itching has come backbone!?

no you can't loose a tampon like that i that you would be capable of feel it but if by some bearing you did go see your doctor right away

Woman lone please?

I don't think at hand is one up there I tight you will be able to discern of course since it's that long so only just don't mind it you just most probably forgot to put.What time did you consistency the leak?.

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Maybe you pushed it in so far it come out your butt..Ever thought of that? My God, you people administer way too much info as where on earth you stick your greasy little fingers...Now go mop up your hands similar to a good little girl.. P.S. A information to LedZepBabe-- See what happens when you stick too abundant fingers inside your puss...you lose them...

Irregular periods?

What go in must come out! If for some freak of disposition the string to your tampon fell off the tampon itself it will come out on its own within a few days, but chances are you basically forgot to put one in nearby. It really is next to immposible for a tampon to receive lost up there.

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If this is serious and you enjoy a partner then enjoy them look for it. Losing is not really a good word, because if it is in that you can find it it just perchance at a bad angle. If it is one of the really small ones that doesn't hold an applicator they can be hard to retrieve. My sister have to go to the doctor obtain hers out. And she is a RN.
Leaving it in is not an option it can motive toxic shock, and you can die.
If this is a joke not really funny but hopefully it will assist others to know the answer.

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you only just forgot to reinsert a another one and i
doubt that blood would have come out if one be in nearby anyway.

I've been bleeding resembling i'm having my periode for similar to 4 weeks now conceivably more. What's the cause?

ok, first don't freak out..do you be aware of the string? if not more than potential you just get busy and was surrounded by a hurry and forgot..usually a tampon only go so far, the cervix usually stops it from getting any higher which would be set to it would go within the uterus which is unusual..it has happen but normally it would hold to be really forced in..resembling in the conduct yourself of sex or something..my sister is a nurse and i asked her this and she said its very scarce, in her over 20 yrs of nursing they individual had one grip and that was a middle aged woman who have forgot and had sex..the point is some women actually use two tampons if their flow is beefy.i wouldn't suggest it though..i think though you are freaking out which i am sure you know is making it worse and your imagination is later getting pushed into overdrive.very, immensely rarily does anyone especially someone young approaching you every 'lose' one up inside. just behave as ordinary and if you find over the next few days you still panic over it then you may want to read aloud something.but a little word of comfort here i devise every girl/woman ever to have used tampons think this has happen to them.i think you can rest assured if you pushed and didn't consistency anything then at hand isn't anything there.honourable luck and don't worry, its fine

I necessitate some help from the other women.?

Tell your mother what happen ask her to make an appointment near your obgyn to check it That's not uncommon to come to pass mot do that.They push themselves as far up as they can then they attain stuck.

Never feel mortified to tell your mother anything.She's your best friend

Whats wrong beside me?

Listen, I work at a hospital. YES it can get stuck. If you start to win dizzy, feverish, sick to your stomach or anything in that concern, get to the ER. Its TSS. Read in the order of it on the instructions that come in the box. It happens more than you can think. Try using your fingers, it's better than the doctor digging in for it.
Hope everything comes out okay.

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there is no way that a tampon get lost inside, you should stop freaking about, probably you took it out and dont remember

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you can not physically lose a tampon in your vagina. however, if you did make tracks it in and can't find it, lay down on your bed and consistency around if you don't feel any item and think it's still within there.. after make an appointment tomorrow, doctor's won't reason you're crazy.. they see stuff like this adjectives the time.

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To put your mind totally at ease, near is no way that you can lose anything up nearby, I had a similar situation one darkness of drinking and I was prob. newly as scared as you, I in actuality called the ER to ask them and they said that if you feel and didn't feel anything that in attendance was no course that it could have go anywhere, so put your mind at ease and a short time ago figure that when you go to the bathroom you were prob. newly thinking about somthing else and totally forgot just about it.

can yoy give me advocate on masterbation. i can't afford a vibrater?

Nah, you can't lose a tampon like that. You basically forgot to put one in.

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