I had my yearly pap done and it came back abnormal..?

What could this mean? I am sure it could be any number of things but immediately I am terrified. I own to go wager on tomorrow for them to do an extensive pap where they will put a type of caustic solution on my cervix (vinegar) and it will turn the bacteria white, they will filch a biopsi of that to find out what the abnormality is. Anyone had this done? Does it hurt? Any clues what it could be?

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I am glad to see that your Ob/Gyn is taking time to double-check. Same happen to me and my doc of 23 years told me 50/50 chance cancerous. Went through morning surgery, culple leep (sp?) and DNC, (and since my ins had freshly lapsed from changing job, cash out of $12,000) simply to get bid saying "everything's fine". At lowest with yours, your doc will enjoy better handle on how serious. I own yet to group someone (in 20+) years that did not have exceptional results at one time or another, or that had anything really serious.but it's best to attain the double check than to scare the hell out of you. Try to stay relaxing, it's just trialling, then you should know something afterwards.

Good direction from regzad too.

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Most women at one point own one abnormal pap so don't verbs yet. The biopsy does hurt a moment or two. Take a sanitary napkin because the vinegar will continue to come out through out the hours of daylight and ruin your panties (wear old ones). Good Luck!

Sister within law is 32 yrs. she d'nt want more child. She tested positive. Is within any pills for termination?

Don't freak out just on the other hand. A lot of women are actually born next to abnormal cell in their cervix. There are also things that can alteration them temporarily, such as douching and even stress. The vinegar will let the doctor see where on earth the cells are irregular and then he/she will use and instrument that if truth be told makes a small hole contained by the cervix. It may bleed a little but that's regular. It will probably hurt for a week or so, a feeling approaching menstrual cramps but it will be worth it to find out that nothing is wrong next to you. Tylenol (about 800mg) should make it efficiently tolerable. Just don't stress out about this because that could basically make things worse. I hope the best for you and I'm sure it's not serious, because in most cases it's not.

EDIT: Not adjectives HPV is STD. It can be, but it's common for ethnic group to have this and not even know. But yes it can be spread through sex also. HPV can head to cervical cancer and since your pap came hindmost abnormal, the first article they will probably do is check for HPV. And Dysplasia is just an overgrowth of atypical cells which is usually a sign of the HPV contained by a pre-cancerous form. Like I said though, don't get worked up over this because most of the time it's really in recent times nothing wrong. Abnormal cell do not mean cancer, but they will probably save you coming in every three to six months for a pap smear instead of the yearly one basically to keep an eye on the cell.

how do u detect cancer?

I just have the same colposcopy done. they run a biopsy of any abnormal areas. i am not moral with niggle and handled it fine. after the biopsy they will ring you back surrounded by a weeks time and tell you what the biopsy showed. mine showed moderate to severe dysplasia , pre cancerous cell. i had them removed on friday next to the leep procedure, and am just waiting for a phone up back for them to recount me they got it adjectives. i had never have an irregular pap before this, so besides hpv and dysplasia, i dont know what it would be. i be terrified still, and still am, even though everyone tell me to take it straightforward. ask the dr lots of questions, and you will get the impression better.

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