What is the shortest time a women have ever reached an orgasm and how long do you usually pinch?
How to be descrete just about my period surrounded by school?
Alone? 10 minutes- 1 hour. With someone else? HA! Are you asking because you're looking for a taunt?
Is Cervicitis a form of sexual disease?
I would guess instantly would be the shortest time. There are times when I have have an orgasm right off the bat. However, it usually take me several minutes; less if I am alone. Then, near are those sad times when it is not at adjectives.How long does it take period to become regular?
by myself with facilitate from a dildo/vibrator it has taken me as short as 3 minutes.if my partner isn't doing oral on me and i am not stimulating my clit, consequently i think 10 have been the shortest. usually though it's about 15-25 minutes. sometimes not at adjectives.
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