Woman only please...?

I am 11 years old and we basically watched "the movie" they said we should be getting our interval now and adjectives my friends did but i didnt when will i get mine


Can anyone contribute me advice on Depo Provera?

dont verbs i got mine when i be 12

I want my periods to stop. I hold severe PMDD. What can I do?


What's wrong with me?!!?

i didnt obtain mine until i was 13, be glad you havent gotten it all the same. its not any fun

I get a pimple which is intact on my chest from past 6 months? plz minister to.?

Everyone is different, some get it nearer and some get it following.
I was 11.

does anyone know how much cargo you need to lose to travel down in dress size?

I guess the more common age is similar to 13. That was when I get mine.

i wanted to know where on earth to find a good hospital where on earth i can get an abortion done?

girls achieve their periods on different times. you may not grasp in one or two more years, and that's clearly okay. you don't have to verbs too much about that bec it's usual. trust me, it's nice not to have your term yet. once you take it, it'll be such a nuisance month after month! :)

Lower body hurts?

There is no time you "should" carry it. Be patient. You can get hold of even as late as 15 or 16.

Body coat cant get rid!! x?

soon. i get mine at 12. my sister got hers at 14. it depends on the girl. some win it at 17.

I'm a virgin and I use tampons I think that I tore something?

It took me 'til I be like 13. I wouldn't be so anxious to receive it if I were you. It's a stomach-ache in the a**. When you don't own it you want it and when you've got it you unquestionably hate it! haha, but honest luck with that. Don't verbs.

New to birth control?

everyone is different, and trust me the longer it takes the happier you should be. It is not a fun entity at all honey. Don't discern bad that you haven't gotten it all the same, it will come.

natural ways to increase bust?

don't worry roughly it mine came when I be about 11 but i enjoy some friends that didn't have theirs until 12, if you seize to 13 and it still hasn't haapened ask someone to take you to a ginachologist(i hope I spelt that right)

Can anyone donate me any information on a breast reduction?

Some girls start as young-looking as 9, others as late as 16. We are adjectives individuals. Anyway, periods are not adjectives that, so there is no hurry!

Girls.Just Curious??

i haven't started however either but my mom did at 12 I'm 10 right very soon:-)

Girls only: Do I hold a yeast infection or something else?

It depends on your age and the way your body works for you. Its not something you want trust me but when it happen you will know because you will have boating and grain awful and have cramps and have a feeling like you are retaining marine and cry and get intense. its not what is cracked up to be so be glad its not happening right immediately. Just be prepared for when it does happen. I get my period when I be 11 1/2 some girls dont get it until they are 14 or elder. It will come don't worry. Take it undemanding its not a nice experience but it tells you that you are conventional in every style. Pease take thoroughness Heather

Ok.one of my breast is bigger than the other.the lefted one is smaller than my right one. what do you think?

i didnt catch mine until i was roughly 13 so yours should be coming soon just ask your mom when she get hers and it should be around that time

Tired of thembut for me?

This stage in your enthusiasm is a very awkward one. Everyone go through it. Even the boys. Kids your age are developing at different rates. Theres always the girl who get the boobs first and theres always the boy who grows and become much more appealing. Then on the other hand theres other the ones who develope a little slower. Trust me you are not the merely one not having a interval. Enjoy it though. Summer is coming you can swim whenever you want w/out a tampon. You wont bloat and be tired and cranky. Sweety, you'll see your not missing out on much. And its going to come. So for now purely enjoy not have it. Think of it this way. this is your second bit of 'freedom'. Once you get your length your going to have it every month for in the region of 40 yrs. It gets tiresome.

Attention Dr. Keka Mukherjee from U.K,once associated beside Apollo,India.?

i got mine right up to that time i entered 8th status. and one of my friends got hers when she be 11. so it really just adjectives depends

Wuts a tss?

you could get it as delayed as 16! one lady get it at 30!!

Women & the G Spot?

Everyone is different , everyone matures at different ages I enjoy a neice who did not get her term til she was 16 bother my daughters did not ge thiers til they be past 12 , you will gain it when mother nature think your ready for it, Hope this help


It will come when it is the right time for your body. I know that you want yours, so you can fit in, but try to be forgiving. It's cool that our bodies have their own clocks, it's what make us unique...yeah, I know, not cool, when you want to be approaching your friends.

You aren't seriously underweight, are you? A nurse I know said that low body weight/fat can delay a girl getting her length.

I know someone who got hers at 9 and another who get hers at 17 and they are related. The thing in the order of your period is, honestly, it sucks. Sure, I couldn't dally to get mine when I be younger, but now..decades following..trust me - I could've waited another few years and that would've be fine. : )

What should i do with this thrush?

11 is untimely to get your spell don't worry you'll be fine. im 14 and i still havent gotten mine. it's without fault normal to draw from it when you're 15 or 16. however, if you're 16 and show no signs of getting it soon, you should see a doctor.

Question about skin dryness?


Does it other bleed when the hymen breaks?

i am 11 too. i havent gotten mine but my friends have. i have just scholarly to deal and i it comes great, and if no afterwards it will happen soon. hope you gain yours soon if wanted. :]

Has anyone used Physician's Candida Formula & Probiotics Plus by The Yeast Connection for cleanse yeast?

any where on earth from age 9-16. most girls get it at like age that their mom was when she get hers. trust me ive been getting my spell for the last 3 years + and it its not amazingly enjoyable..

6 weeks pregnant near a really bad cold.?

Whenever your body sends a signal to your brain. This may evolve anytime from tomorrow, to two months, or five years if you are a late bloomer. Just be prepared, you may want to start carrying a purse beside you, with a wad, tampon, or panty liner in it, just to be secure. Talk to your mom and find out when she started, it has somewhat to do beside your genetics so I don`t know close to when your mom got hers, is close to when you will bring back yours but this is not guaranteed.

What's the best size for a woman's breasts?

If you want your period faster, it may give the impression of being weird but you own to gain weight, and be at lowest possible around 100 lbs to start your period. 100 pounds is the counterbalance of the typical pre-teen. The more skinner u are, the longer it will take.

Will Univerisal Health Care be a Success or a Bust?

your term will come soon enough. I be 11 but my sister was 14 (almost 15). Everyone starts at different ages. You will know when you start. Don't consider you are missing out on anything, trust me, it's not all it's cracked up to be! :)

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