Has anyone had any experience with a Steel IUD being removed? Were there any complications?

My ladyfriend is Chinese. Due to the 1 child law within China she was given a Steel IUD ten years ago. She is a citizen of the US in a minute and has have pain and desires to get it removed plus she hopes to own more children. She seems to believe that Amercian doctors are not comfortable with the steel IUD removal specificially and she is concerned going on for risks to her reproductive organs if it is removed in the states. Has anyone have any experience with removal of this type of IUD (as opposing standard U.S. Copper)? Is this a reasonable concern?

White discharge?

Actually, the copper IUD is just one of several IUDs available in the US. Placing an IUD device through the cervix into the uterus to prevent pregnancy is a centuries matured practice.

However, IUD removal is simple, regardless of the material out of which it is constructed. The shape is essentially equal IUD to IUD. Each IUD (copper, steel, and plastic) has a "tail" near a string that rests outside of the cervix. For removal, the physician just graps the tail beside a sterile instrument and pulls. The thing pops out.

Yes, it's that simple.

That's why women near an IUD in place are asked to check to ensure that the string is still in place every month. They occasionally crash out on their own (especially during menstruation).

Tell your ladyfriend that American physicians can handle the slightly different IUD placed overseas. We bring it.

Question for girls with their interval?

They stopped doing that in the US years ago becasue they were so treacherous. Why didn't she just go and get her tubes tied? Having it in her period be a risk.

I am 29 and I have an extremely low amount of drive.?

i had a copper IUD and my doctor removed it near no problems...she removed it so fast...i didn't even realize she was done until i saw the piece in her foot.i had it for 6 years and the process be so fast...i don't surmise the steel even matters cuz i judge all IUDs are of indistinguishable design

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