im im felling light headed, tired especially at work, always hungry but my period was 4 day late and i had no?


has anybody here had nearby gallbladder removed?if so did u have trouble near stomach after wards?

your cycles change after six months or so don't worry . in recent times think every month you are closer to the finish. the desk light headed is lately low blood sugar, and the stress of work. just drink wet and go to the doctor, to bring check for sugar, and high blood pressure.

What do the Dr.s do?

...and have no, WHAT ?

Breast problems?

you could be having low blood sugar, but i suppose you can be pregnant too, walk to a doctor

I hav tried to hav an orgasm, but it dusnt come.?

You might not be getting enough protein in your diet. Changes in intake habits can deferral your period or if you are exercising.

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