I can feel a tiny bump on my cervix, what is it?

I can feel a tiny bump on my cervix that wasn't within before. What is it? I own been checking my cervix for mucus for going on for 4 months now b/c my hubby and i are TTC and the doctor suggested this as something to do so I can chart when I ovulate. There is a bump I can touch now that I never feel there in the past. What is it and should I be worried. Will it go away? Do you know of any websites that could possible aid me out with information on this? appreciation!

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If you check your mucus every hours of daylight and have newly felt it today, it is probably nought to worry roughly speaking. Small swellings and bumps occur throughout the body essentially. If you only check every week or month (which would be kinda useless, but who knows) and you are now notice a bump, you should get it checked out. A bump that have just appeared should be monitored only just in baggage, but is probably just a small irritation. If the bump become painful or increases swiftly in size, be sure to stir to your gynecologist ASAP.

I am assuming that you have not have any abnormal pap smear results, especially within the past year. If you enjoy had an irregular result in your historic, call your gynecologist and ask her belief immediately. I am also assuming in attendance is no unusual discharge, smell, tenderness, or swelling in the nouns. Any of those symptoms combined with a alien bump means you entail to call your gynecologist.

I don't want to make available you false hope, but early within pregnancy many change to the body occur, including the nouns of your cervix. I am not saying this process you are pregnant, but the hormones do cause cervical change, so it isn't impossible.

Websites with information on identify strange bumps will usually just make available you pictures. While you are obviously experienced beside finding your cervix, I doubt you can see it properly, which would make them useless. Pretty much everything else is merely going to describe everything from a cyst to HPV as a bump on the cervix. If you feel more information is worrisome, visit WebMD, they enjoy an excellent women's health clause.


Usually these are just nabothian cysts..
Benign, and nought to worry almost.
It should go away.
As long as you've have negative papsmears, so that you don't hold HPV or herpes or anythin you should be fine.
don't worry unless you've have herpes or HPV

CYLARIS Diet Pill??

I'd like to know how you can touch your own cervix. You must have fingers 8'' long.

As Im A Girl.. If you shave are you supposed to capture dots for the first couple of times?

i had equal problem there only just little pimples and or it could be a std go to the doctor asap!

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