cough medicine?

I have an upper respitory infection/severe cold I cant return with rid of the cough!! I lay dwn and cough more its driving me nuts. What is the best cough medicine out within that I can by over the counter? I hve been coughing for 2 weeks in a minute. I ve used sudafed and cepracol.

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Cough mixtures bought over the counter own no proven medical benefit. The only one which does own some benefit is one called pholcodeine, which contains codeine, which suppresses the cough reflex. However, if you enjoy any phlegm on your chest, you are really better being competent to cough it up, so suppressing the cough reflex isn't the best idea.
The best piece you can do is to use the old fashioned steam inhalation. Get a bowl and teem it with boiling river. Take a towel and hold it over the bowl and around your nose and mouth so that you are inhaling the steam. Do it for at least possible 10 minutes, and it should really help, especially if you do it up to that time bed.
If the cough continues for another 2 weeks, see your doctor, who may give you a salbutamol inhaler to use for a couple of weeks - severe colds sometimes irritate the upper airways and brand them hypersensitive - a couple of weeks of salbutamol would sort that out.

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Salt river gargles.
Black pepper gargle.
And vicks vapor inhalations.

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Anything beside Detromethprophan (sp?) is the best OTC cough remedy.

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Robitussin. Or you can try Mucinex, which is a pill(it smells and taste bad). If you're coughing anything up, you'd want something with a D after it(Mucinex D, Robitussin D) because it'll lend a hand lossen the phlegm in your chest.

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it seems to me that u might enjoy bronchitis but I might be wrong. I will check on one of my books, I have a 10 interview test that will put in the picture me what you have and as a consequence; it'll tell me what can you steal.
I recomend natural remedies they work profoundly better than drugs.
If you can meet me online on the msn or yahoo
my msn is [email protected] in that bearing you can take that audition to find out what you have.
it is meaningful that u start taking something for that cough before it get worst.

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