My daughter's length?

my daughter is turning 12 at August. and she started having her period at 2007 May. She used to hold it every month(normal) but then i took her to another country to study and she boards at the school. very soon she has a period every 2 months and sometimes even 3 months?

what's wrong beside her? Is there a salution behind this? She doesn't want me to lug her to the doctors because she thinks it's embarrassing... so is in attendance a solution( eat more food, drink more water etc.)??

Tampon queston! (which one is for me)?

hi,dont verbs some times girls have irregular period hn first year,specialy when they have estres exprience or change place ,they have varient solution (more or smaller number eat food or drink)or change thought thats normal because they have embalance hormon ,adjectives of them are of short duration,dont need doctor,only she have not esteres,eat good food similar to fruit,juice,vegetable,and rest enough.bye,zhila

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The first 1-2 years after menstruation have started, different hormonal changes occur surrounded by the body that causes it to be irregular. But as the body adapts from the "girl to the woman" stage, her menstruation would normalize and would take place monthly. Other factors can also affect mesntruation, like stress or illnesses. Just dawdle it out and in the meantime, make sure that your daughter's diet is hanging - more of the fruits and vegetable thing. Do encourage her to pinch in more water too - results within better blood circulation.

Crazy spell for times gone by 2 months?

Your daughter needs to see a doctor. If you live in a life-size city you may be able to find an adolescent gynecologist who is specially trained to fastidiousness for teenagers. Explain to her the necessity of having regular exams and by all routine go with her to her appointment. Make sure the gynecologist does a complete head-to-toe exam, as ably as the pelvic and breast exams.

Well i call for some assistance..?

At that age, irregular periods are completely normal. Don't verbs, unless she has no period for 6 months, or if she is have problems with very aching or heavy periods.

If she stays fighting fit, eats good food, exercises regularly, her period will regulate themselves in the next few years.

Thyroid level?

:o my friend and i are 14, and my friend have this problem and none of us know what the matter is, it really baffles us.
Her mom is taking her to the doctor, so I don`t know you should take your daughter? It really is the best solution to be honest.

How long from presently till I procure my time? GIRLS ONLY PLEASE!?

most girls that are young own very irregular periods.. its majority,
but if your concerned, you could call the doctor, and see what he /she has to speak

Can u still be moody at the finale of your term?

i had that prob when i was 11(i'm 14 now) it will be norm after a while.
at that age her bodys simply got alot of hormones rushing around her body so its norm really

Is this true in the region of a woman's sex drive?

Stress can cause a tweaking in how often you hold your period. I wouldn't worry in the region of it until she gets a little elder.

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Can you ever "think" yourself into have your time of year, I focus I did, would that be possible?
2 months.?
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