So I own a yeast infection?
I heard that yogurt is great for treating yeast infections, and also I hear that you can actually insert flavor and sugar free, adjectives natural yogurt down here and it will cure all your problems. Is this a smart theory. What other easy at home remedies do you guys know roughly?
Please help Numbing cream for my vigina?
Inserting yogurt is really forceful for a lot of ethnic group. If you buy latex gloves, you can put yogurt in the fingers of it and freeze it. It will be nice and cold (to run down pain and itching/burning) and the fail-safe shape to insert. Taking acidophilus can help too.
eating yogart prevents yeast infections but it does not cure them once you already have one and no i do not mull over it's wise to shove yogart surrounded by your vagina
you're not supposed to put them down within, hon. i don't know about home remedies but they hold over the counter medicine for yeast infections.
I own heard of that. Might be easier to sit surrounded by the bathtub and sympathetic of sit in a puddle of it... Also, you should put away yogurt. I don't know of any more, I am sorry. Never had a yeast infection myself, otherwise I am sure I would be armed next to lots of natural cures.
Don't know give or take a few actually putting/inserting it "there"...But DanActive smoothies and yougurt enjoy the active yeast cultures that assistance rid the body of the bad yeast. For a homeopathic approach, you can mix Candida (found within health food stores) into food or drink and this clears up the unpromising yeast as well.