Women only please, menstral question?

How did your mom (I assume) tell you more or less menstration? I have for a while girl and some questions hold arisen, just want your stories to compare. My mom told me the sunshine before she disappeared my dad, but I already knew it adjectives from school, don't want that to evolve to my kid.

How soon can conception occur if a woman have unprotected sex after giving birth?

Tell her the truth. Now would also be a perfect time for the sex tell, since now she's fertile. Be amenable and honest, and let her ask question. Use the internet for references. Good luck.

Is the girls hymen ( cherry ) that sensitive?

My mom did not communicate me. At school they took adjectives of the 5th grade girls to examine a film almost it and gave us supplies. My mom be too ashamed to speak of it

Panties are always drizzly? why?

my mom always started by recounting me to tell her if i ever find blood in my panties to come win her and let her know. she told me that it be nothing doomed to failure but that it was my term starting and it would be something that would happen every month. she also explained to me sort of what be happening and why it happen. and it was tough explaining it to me because i started when i was ten. hope this help

Clitoris Question?

tell her when she has it ... that's what my mom did ...
sit me down in my room told me what it be told me what to do .. that's it ..

Help! Is this myth true?

my mom didnt talk to me something like even though she works in a OB/GYN bureau. my aunt, my stepmom, and believe it or not my dad talked to me nearly it and gave me some books. if you gossip to her, dont make it similar to a lesson, make it fun or something. sorry i cant minister to anymore.

I missed my period!!?

I hold two girls 9 and 10 yrs old. As they own grown, they saw that i had a term and would ask questions. Like why are you bleeding. I told them the truth, similar to my mother told me. I explained to them that, as a lady get older her body starts to renovation to get set to hold a baby. And if the woman does not get pregnant, afterwards she has to attain rid of the liner that has formed to hold the child. This happens every month. This answer seem to answer and satisfy their question.

i shave down there but it seem that it always get bumps and cuts..?

My mother never told me! I started at school, and be so embarrassed it took 2 days to narrate my mom. I have already talk to my daughter about it. And told her it is module of becoming a woman. She was big-hearted of like what ever, and I gone it at when you want to talk I will be here.

Depo Shot and Pregnancy?

my mother be very closed mouth in the region of everything i had to swot from school and girlfriends. the solely thing i can relay you is to be very undo with her, i enjoy been uncap with my son going on for everything pretty much from the day he be born, he's 16 and not embarrassed to tell about anything beside me because of that. don't be afraid to open up to her you won't reget it, i hope this somewhat help you.

Morning-after-pill (a.k.a. Plan B)?

My mom told me something forgettable, but the 5h grade girls have a movie about it every year at my institution, and they told everyone, so we all know the facts pretty early.
I saw a children's book going on for it at a friend's house that was excellent. I no longer know the christen of it, but it was put out surrounded by the early 1970s, so it might be a TRUE search to find it. Perhaps someone else have done one, or an organization close to Planned Parenthood might have a pamphlet beside guidelines for you. If you don't make it nouns miserable, it shouldn't be too bad. Leave yourself get underway for questions, and don't overanswer respectively question, I'm sure you'll be fine.

How long does it embezzle to come off HRT?

That's a bit personal.

I'm shy of of people who come on here asking for stories and getting bad on it. A trend that seems to be increasing.

I presume you should just sit down and answer your daughter's question as honestly as you can. It will be fine.

Is there any over the counter treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis?

Believe it or not my dad be the one that told me about it..He drew a picture of a rose and said how respectively petal falls that is features of a way a feminine body works every month..and how at the end of the month respectively month I was going to return with something called a time of year...and so on...He explained it gently not to shock me...my mom be too embarrased to tell me..

Serious interval problem?

I learned give or take a few it from school also. I would hold been too feeling guilty to hear about it from my mom.

Is it unnatural?

my mom told me during the summer before category 4 she wanted me to no up to that time they taught me at university
also i was bigger than the other girls so she thought i would return with it sooner ( she was right )
i would suggest coaching it sooner than when they teach it at academy my mom did and i am happy for it

I hold scoliosis. Problem with walking, my disappeared shin really hurts after one lap around the block. Cure?

tell her more or less it i am in 4 echelon and my mom told me everyting and she told me that even her mom told her when she was merely 7 yrs old.

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