Why am i still a virgin?? everyone else isnt..i am. am i unexpected?? is something wrtong wioth me?


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Of course, the expected answer is "no". With all of the sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies in this perverse society, it is no surprise that more and more young people are keeping their morality until they are much older. Sex ed in this country is also messed up. Everything is still taboo for most cultured individuals. Education is push button. My advice to you is, depending on your age, you should thoroughly, and I mean thoroughly, research ALL aspects of sexuality and revise every single detail you can about it before you even consider loosing your virginity to anyone. Most inhabitants who loose their virginity for the sake of loosing it often find the experience dissappointing. After that, they feel angry or dirty and afterwards all hell breaks loose on an emotional stratum. Sex is not worth having if you are not truly in love near the person you are having it beside for the first time either. Most guys who are "experienced" will go after a "virgin" as a trophy because nought turns on a creep more than slithering his way into your pants and deletion from you the one last pure thing you probably enjoy left. You would not believe the extent and the things some guys will do and say to you surrounded by order to achieve their aim. ALWAYS trust your instincts and your head over your heart too. If something does not smell right, there is probably a angelic reason for it. Do not ignore it. If a guy is not likely to wait for at least 1 year within a relationship for sex, then odds are, he is not after your heart. He is after something else.

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Being a virgin and not person a virgin are both perfectly normal and definately not "weird". Everyone one is different and society pace their lives at their own rate. Don't let anyone else's decision affect yours -- do what you want to do, only when you are ready to. And wise saying "everyone else isn't" is very much an overstatement. There are plenty of people that are still virgins, only as many as those who are not. Don't rush into anything you're don't think you're in place for. Take life one day at a time and be proud of the individual you are.

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Why are you still a virgin? Because you have made the choice to remain a virgin. This is not a bad choice even though society have now conditioned everone to think contained by the same way that you are.

Everone else isn't? Are you sure going on for this - I'm not doubting that you have friends, maybe moderately a few, that aren't virgins anymore. But you have choosen a different route - stick with it. I would also state that you know family who say they aren't virgins but they still are. They are doing this for the same judgment that you are, to try to gain acceptance into this unspoken club that excludes virgins.

Don't sweat it - there are much bigger project at hand than worrying about if you are a virgin or not. That part of the pack of your life is your business and your business only.

One end reason to wait, here are alot of sexually transmitted diseases out there. Some can be cured with a pill, others can't be cured. Along beside that, one unintentional "slip" and you could quite possibly be bringing a spanking new life into the world.

Your body - your choice, don't let others steal that controll!

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Oh, sweetie, I was a virgin until I was 19. Actually, I didn't even catch KISSED until I was 19. I thought there be something wrong with me too -- then when I finally get to college and actually finally started dating guys, I took another look at the guys I went to giant school with, I realize they were all total and complete losers, and that it wouldn't enjoy been worth it anyway.

And I have a hunch that some of the associates that you know now that are SAYING they're not virgins...actually may be lying.

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PLEASE READ THIS IMPORTANT THANK YOU!! why?? Are you within such in a rush to lose your virginity? In time you will understand what I am chitchat about. In my day it be SPECIAL to lose your virginity to someone special, to the one you love and he loves you. I did not lose my virginity until I was 19 years old and it be to the man I fell in love with and then married ( my first late husband) I can fondly say and next to pride, I lost my virginity to someone special in my life.
Sorry to nouns so old fashioned and square but I am sure most people will meaning my opinion!! You are not weird purely think you should lose your virginity to someone special rather than some creep that will merely bragg about it to his creepy friends if you lose it to the wrong person.

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Nothing wrong beside you. You are just special and you did not meet even so your "prince". Better to be virgin but not just have sex beside someone you don't love!!
But if you meet the "right boy" - remember about your protection.
Read more contained by http://www.menstrual-cycle.info
Be Healthy and Happy!

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Dont rush it I promise if you just hurry up and do it it will be meaningless. Wait till you have found the right character and then wher\n you are ready it will evolve. Some of those people who say they enjoy done it probably haven't there just conversation big

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nothing is wrong with you, you should skulk til you meet that special one, not the one you first fall surrounded by love with but the one you think you will hold your life set with, and within are lots of virgins out there just lurk wait the one

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NO you're not weird at adjectives. You don't need to follow the crowd. Wait til you're married so you will lose it to your husband, you wont regret it.

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you're not weird. be proud of it, virginity is something you can never seize back. "everyone else" just let guys take advantage of them b/c they want attention.

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Not at adjectives , some people would rather loaf until they're married or found the right one. Its your virginity it sholud be with someone special so you can look back on that hours of daylight.

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Umm, no that's not weird.my brother is still a virgin, and I wish I be still a virgin so, congrats to you. Save that s*it till you're married.

I have unprotected sex, and i own greatly of discharge does this penny-pinching im pregnate and its singular be four days ..

no there is nothing wrong next to you, be proud that you are still a virgin. Try to save it for someone you will not regret.

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You're not weird at adjectives. There is nothing wrong with individual a virgin. A lot of girls are still virgins. I'm proud of you. You're not like most teen girls who sleep with everyone.

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First, nearby is nothing wrong with mortal a virgin. You would much rather be called a virgin after a "W". Keep your faith. It will happen contained by due time.

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Consider yourself lucky ! i would give any thing to be a virgin!sex complacates things ,too plentiful problems

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there is nothing wrong. nation stop being a virgin at the time that they are ready. a short time ago because a person says they are not a virgin they could be lieing

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no at hand is nothing wrong with you. How frail are u ? There is nothing wrong with waiting for the right individual. DONT RUSH INTO ANYTHING,. FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME IF U NEED MORE ADVICE OR HELP

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Believe me, there are a lot of virgins out in that young and old. Why is man a virgin such a bad thing?

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you are NOT the solitary virgin... lol... sometimes I feel like that... I am 17. A lot of teens discern pressured into sex at a young age, it's sad.

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whats wrong near that? that doesnt mean your wierd. live your life lacking being dependant on someone. be proud of who you are!

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Your just special.

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no...beacuse your probably unwary for it and you you probably dont have a girl either.

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I'm still a virgin. It purely means we have adjectives sense and morals =]

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good job gurl! don't confer up your S.E.X. until you find the right person.

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well thats straightforward to change but why would you want too just impose everyone else did it

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dont give it up too easily. your special theres zilch wrong with you

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your so weird..
Ashleigh, your so chance.
dude, I can't belive ur sitting right next to me asking these pointless questions

enjoy sex and be happy with that special someone

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alchohol + delegation + strait guys = sex

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Its cause you have awful spelling...

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perchance if you weren't so illiterate..you would have gotten some

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Tell me if theres anything wrong.?
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