I started my first time give or take a few 2-3 weeks ago?

i want to know when will my boobs grow bigger?
im like a cup or somewhere around. and i am 14 yrs old. my sisters boobs are big , does that be set to mine are gonna be like hers? and how to make them grow? some general public say birth control pills work. they make your boobs bigger or sort you fatter . please help

How do you know when you set?

woah, woah, woah, calm down, your 14 and you've get a while to worry about boobs, don't fret, purely because your boobs are small now doesn't mean they'll remain that path, I started my period when I was 13 and I have cup A at that point, I am now 15 and a D. Yes birth control pills can make them bigger but they enjoy other effects that come along with that and it's not garunteed they will grow, just be long-suffering because once you've got boobs you've always get them so make the most of not having the extra cargo and having to always variety sure your boobs have full support.

It depends a lot on your mother too, don't verbs they have plenty of time to grow.

Nuvaring and period?

your boobs will get bigger as you seize older but it dosent really matter in the order of your period when you are on your period your boobs might become tender and lumpy but that will walk away when you get off your extent and it dosent mean that your boobs will be as big as your sisters because you could have gotten a different gene than your sister for instance your sister may enjoy gotten your moms genes which is big but you also could have gotten your fathers genes which he get from his mother or father which is small and the birth control I cant tell you because im not on it. but dont worry roughly your boobs just worry nearly those horrible cramps.

When i make a contribution my boyfriend..?

Mine grew within the first year of my period and I regard they stopped growing until I was about 16. I get my period when I was within the 5th grade, not sure on the age. I have righteous ones and so does my mom and older sister, however, my middle sister has them smaller than adjectives of us. In regards to the birth control pills, I've never heard of them making your boobs bigger. I've hear they make you fatter, are good for getting rid of pimples, controlling your spell, and may give you facial hair..oh and logically birth control. My middle sis used to take some around your age to control her period because she used to go and get it for too long so the Dr. prescribed it to her. She immediately gained counterbalance and got facial hair, not foremost nasty facial hair, but no one contained by the family has it except her and it so happen to be right after she started on the pills. She now bleaches her mustache..hehehe.

What do women deduce something like unprotected sex?

im 13 and i have my time of year and i havn't grown my boobs throughly yet , but it's really likr=e a familt trait well contained by my family all the standard lamp skin girls grow there boobs whene there similar to 14 and it's summer vacation (i can't wait till im 14) and the dim skinned 1's grow theres early, but don't stress it just hang around and then one day you'll enjoy big knockers 2 (no homo) lolz

Razor bumps?

yours are gonna be about the size of your moms, anuts grandmas and sisters. no kinds of pills work, but not counting calories and dieting adjectives the time, lets your chest grow larger not working rotten everything, letting it go to your boobs.give it time, I'm waitng too =]

Provera aid!?

every girl is different.. some go and get boobs then hair next periods, others get any combination of the three, and some adjectives at once (i feel sorry for those girls lol)... i would not worry... at hand is no real way to gross them grow... only time (or surgery, which i can tell you guys revulsion cause they like a girl who is comfortable plenty to love herself as she is)

Do i own my term...please my life span depend on if you answer?

Your body will make your breasts grow at there own time. I don't chew over there is anything that make your breasts progress bigger right now. Your sister prolly just develoiped faster than you. People develope at different rates. They'll grow, don't verbs, just give it time.

Anyone know whats going on?

I am a twin and my boobs are small 34b. my twin sister is huge. She is a double d and so is my mom. Dont compare yourself to anyone and tolerate things happen.

On the 7th time of my extent?

my moms boobs are huge
i have only just anything
just wait a while.. youll capture some

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