Really Bad Period?

This is for a friend who doesnt have a computer so i am asking it for her here :)

This is her saying this :)

I hold a really bad period. I am 17 and a senior contained by high school. i get my period in 6th position. sometimes when i get it i get so sick i own to stay out of school

i pass out draw from dizzy i get really bad cramps. throw up. pretty i am anxious of my period . sometimes i skip a month and then receive it back the next month .. and no i own not have sex

It gets so impossible that i lay in bed all afternoon from school with a heat pad .. I used almost every kind of asprin to return with rid of the cramps.

I want a job but I am scared to gain sick when i am trying to work.

I dont want to get checked out cause i really dont want a doctor foreboding me down there. its very odd for me. idk i have tried Tylenol quick releases dark time and the last time it worked but thats just once

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As humiliated as it is, going to the doctor is very important. The final thing she would want is for something to be legitimately wrong, wait too long to enjoy it checked out and it turns into a more serious problem later on. No one likes going to the doctor, especially the gynecologist. It's mortified for almost everyone, but it's something that very important.

I enjoy serious periods as well. Thankfully, I in recent times got bad luck and zilch is wrong with me. But I wouldn't have set that if I hadn't gone to the doctor when I realized that my periods be more painful than most other's. Also, the doctor was competent to prescribe a medicine that actually works to alleviate the headache, as over-the-counter just wouldn't.

If this is something that's actually impede on the rest of her life; school, social, etc. and it's going to verbs to, it's something that needs to be attended to promptly.

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If you are experiencing these things while on your period, I strongly suggest you see a gynecologist. I hope adjectives of this really happens because this can be something VERY serious. Birth control might be a good entry to consider. It give you lighter periods and cuts stale all the vomiting and dizziness sometimes but not always adjectives the way. But there are also side-effects to it such as struggle of breathing. Im not a doctor, but i know what im conversation about on this.

Girls individual!?

i'm no doctor to say this, but yes, i do dream up that your period is very much on the "bad" side.
i own had my period since the 8th class, and just sometimes do i get cramps.
lots of girls go and get very bad cramps and green about the gills like you and throwing up also seems to be element of the cycle for some girls.

I understand that you dont want to go to the doctor, but i would really want to receive this checked out.
the doctor could prescribe something to help you out.
if you feel mortified around your doctor, maybe go to a feminine doctor.

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I would suggest visiting the doctor! Don't be embarrassed. Chances are he will put you on a birth control and it will aid tremendously! Honestly it shouldn't be affecting your life like this. I would definately recommend going to the doc...and if you are sure you don't want to step until you are older I would recommend advil. And again your doctor could prescribe pain pills for it...something similar to vicodin or just a light cramp reliever that you could take once a month.

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That always happen to me, Its a very dramatic form of PMS.

Try taking iron supplements around the time of your period.
Otherwise, you're purely going to have to go to the doctor. But the doctor probably won't hold to feel your private bits down there, only just describe your symptoms and I'm sure he/she can prescribe you something to hold them off.

PAP Help!?

I have cramping and disorientation and nausea before my period. It hurts similar to the dickens, but there isn't really much to do. Truth be told, Coke helped. (it be killing so I drank a TON of Coke zero, and it in actuality helped). The fact that you're still irregular is actually pretty discouraging. If I were you I would go to a doctor. If you're worried in the region of feeling down low, go see a womanly doctor.

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hey i have the same point, and im scared im gunna get fired cuz i dont hold many sick days left.
today is cramp daytime for me

i goto the bathroom with my laptop and try to keep my mind settled - i end up in the bathroom for close to 6-8 hours cramping and throwing up and being really exhausted.

what gets me through it, is reminding myself that it WILL turn away :)

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you might have endomitriosis, my mom has it and it's pretty fruitless you should talk to your doctor about going on birth control, ussually it make your period better... (they usually don't have to dispense you a physical to prescribe you B.C.)

Obgyns? society near their period? i inevitability counsel!?

I had the same symptoms and my doctor diagnosed me near this:

If I were you, I would go to the doctor even though you may get the impression uncomfortable. It may be the only route to get real nouns.

Period press?

you need to eat food beside lots of iron because you are loseing so much blood your iron is getting low and that could cause alot of health problems approaching getting dizzy and being sleepy ADD and much more. it also helps shorten and peroxide periods.

Tampon sustain!?

Midol is the best thing for cramps,,but you really involve to see a Dr.Find a women Dr.because it sounds like you have endometrosis.,I know I did not spell that right,but it is when your time is really bad like you own descrived.

Why am i so skinny but.(GIRLS ONLY!)?

I'm a guy but even I know this one... MIDOL!

It's a wonder drug for women and a man's best friend, too (because their women aren't as grouchy)!

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well my friend might have impossible to tell apart ting as yuor friend tell her to talk next to her mom about gonig to the docter she might have a bleak condion with amount of iorn in her

Wierd cross-question please lend a hand!!?

You should definately see a doctor because no event how uncomfortable it may seem, they single do it so that they can help.

Do I entail to obtain a prescription from the doctor to capture Yaz (the birth control pill)?

Some say the birth control pill make periods easier to bear.

Help me own sex?

You Should Try Midol. It Works Really Good With Me. But I Dont Get It As Bad So Good Luck!

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You should try discussion to Jesus. He will hear your in pain and he will oblige. Do not worry. The lord loves all his children.

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i enjoy 17 year old sister and she says to not skip a month specifically wat is causing it

What is this...?

I would go to the doctors and own it checked out.That is pretty serious.

Bad cramps!?

i have the same problems! i dont know what cause it!

Girl request for information...?

hey! so i have the same symptoms as you. seriously. i usually lose seriously of weight during my period. because those cramps newly take away your appetite. they make me throw up so much. i jump to school in a really impossible mood and come back also in a really impossible mood. it really drains you. but what helps me is ibuprofen. it's the same entry as motrin. with tylenol, you don't really have to devour something with it, but with ibuprofen, you have need of to pop a few crackers or any other snack in your mouth to have an effect. it take about ten minutes to get into effect and works for nearly six hours. and then you take another pill. but don't help yourself to it all the time, because then your body will obtain used to it, and it wont have any effect at all. so rob it before you go to college or if you get a job, cart it before you go work. and afterwards one before you go to sleep if it troubles you at darkness. a lot of women have these symptoms. step to a doctor, and they'll tell you the same point. these symptoms run in my family. even my cousins suffer from it. it's really horrible but ibuprufen really help. try it. hope i helped! good luck.

edit--but the reality that you're irregular bothers me. i'm irregular once in a while and anything can cause that such as excitement, stress, depression, or enthusiastic activity. OH! and here's a tip. avoid warm foods while you own your period. i don't mean that you can't grill up your food, what i mean is that food that causes your body temp. to stir up. some food like that are chocolate, ice (i know, surprising huh?), raisins, and basically look up the rest. so once again, try ibuprofen, and avoid foods that cause your body temp. to go up. also, if your period are always irregualr, then shift to a lady doctor. they might conduct a pelvic screening to make sure everything is okay inside.

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Hi within,

I suffer from bad periods too. My first suggestion would be to consult a gynecologist. It could be something more severe than desperate period. I know that she is uncomfortable next to a stranger "feeling" her down there. Please remember that the gyne is a professional and will do everything in his/ her power to generate you feel comfortable.

My second suggestion is to drink chamomile tea. Eating small meals throughout the year may help as well. One piece I noted was when I did not take breakfast surrounded by the mornings, the dizziness during periods tend to be very severe.

Hope it help


Try taking aleve. I feel your pain because i go thru the same thing from 5th order on and i wasnt until I was 21 that i found out why i was have such severe cramps, nausea, head aches, vomitting and adjectives that. They were bad to the point that when i get pregnant and went into labor I had no clue what i be feeling was conractions because that be the pain i had gotten used to over the years. Get it checked please. You could hold a very high hormone height which causes this as well. Good luck

Also.Midol will work but solely if at the first sign of your period you take it. It will not work if you thieve if after cramps already started.

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This is a response for your friend:

Severe period pains should always be investigated to check for a treatable incentive. As a rough guide, if you've had severe period misery (known as dysmenorrhoea) since around the time your periods first started, it's less potential a particular cause will be found.

There are exceptions to this. Conditions such as endometriosis can sometimes make happen severe pain from an early age (although the discomfort typically gets worse as the disease does more damage beside each monthly cycle). Other causes include fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease and sometimes a narrowing of the cervix. Bear within mind, though, that period pains are rarely a sign of disease, especially contained by younger women.

If the pain interferes with your enthusiasm, preventing you from working, going to school or coping with each day tasks, I would recommend you consult with a doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation.

Good luck :)

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