Okay so my friend hasnt gotten her spell within 3 weeks and its 3 weeks belatedly and she hasnt have sex befor?


Is it ok to own brown blood when your on your extent?

It's probably just late/irregular. This can happen recurrently to teens their periods don't always come when they are supposed to. If she hasn't have sex then no worries. If it doesn't come after a few more weeks she can see a doctor to make sure it's ok. But normally periods are a bit delayed. Other factors can basis that too like stress or a change contained by exercise/diet.

Bleeding and losing mass?

when girls first get their period it is usually really irregular. her diet or atletic flurry could also be affecting it. girls with eating disorders regularly loose their period alltogether until they get the right nutrients pay for in to their diet. most likley it is nothing to verbs about but if she is having any quality of pain down there it could be an infection

About my belly?

She may own gained or lost a lot of immensity, which isn't healthy. Or she may be very, drastically stressed out. It is also possible that her body is just functioning a bit differently than normal. If she's anxious, have her talk to her mom and possibly see the doctor.

The Best Bra?

when you first grasp your period it is very chance because it doesnt happen once a month your hormoned are crazy when my mom got her term it skipped 6 months and when i got mine it happend ever 5 days everone is different

Birth control?

if she's an athlete than that's normal. i've gone up to four months w/o it until that time. and if she's under a lot of stress she might also skip it. be there too. other than that idk

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The hpv shot?
Pap smear?
I enjoy to take a physical for a academy program, but I apparently enjoy to draw from a "physical for 16 year olds"?
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