My friend be raped??

I have a friend of mine that was raped roughly a year ago and she didn't tell her parents until 3 months later because she be scared. Now the trial is coming up next month surrounded by early may. She is really scared and doesn't know what to expect. Any counsel of what she should expect?

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oh my
im not going to just say inform he everythings ok because what use is that going to do. if it was me i would liek to be conforted and taken shopping ect. to get my mind sour the trial. most likely very most predictable the man will be sentanced for what he deserves. the poor girl. atleast she has a good fried close to you who would spend 5 pints on yahoo to help her. a good friend you are =) hope i help .

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One problem I can think of is it will be her word against his unfortunately, have she gone to the hospital right afterwards they could have used a rape kit and shield proven. I really hope she can prove her case, she definately has to try to hold him convicted, I wish I had but I be too scared and he got nought except a hard bite on his arm.

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well...i havent be thro this EXACT problem...but she is probably going to have to emotionally prepare to see the person again within court.she should probably not watch any crime shows or movies..considering they dramatize everything on TV...but other than that adjectives she can do is pray that everything works out for the best...sorry to hear this has happened to another teen...

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lately be calm and cool about it and hold on to the head. remember it is the rapist that is within the wrong and not her. makes me sick how someone can rape another person

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The trial will shift on
then a restraining order
possibly a fine and sentence to the defendent
thats adjectives nothing dramatic like TV like to make it

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Tell her everything willl be OK

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