Really strong cravings for chocolate lately?

for like past 2 weeks, i own had unbelievably strong chocolate cravings. Ive never had this up to that time.
I need to make it dance away asap so I dont gain weight, whats causing this and how do I stop it?!


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Maybe ur getting arranged to come on ur period?? About 5 days before my term i get a really strong craving for either mexican or chinese food and chocolate covered strawberry's! haha. There is no instrument to make it go away! Eat a small piece of chocolate(like a hershey kiss) and it should lessen ur craving and it won't manufacture u gain weight.


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Could you be pregnant? Most pregnant women develop strong cravings. Other than that, you're probably a "chocolaholic." Chocolate contains endorphins -- the "feel good" hormone. Chocolate, especially murky chocolate, is considered good for you, after many years of population thinking it was bad, making you gain counterweight, giving you acne -- all sorts of negatives. But in a minute they're saying it's a powerful antioxidant, and you should have some every year -- just limit your portions, and you won't gain too much shipment just from that. So enjoy your chocolate fix! Good luck!

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Try intake something sour or something with protein.
The more sweets you eat the more your drink buds will crave sweet. Often sugar cravings are caused by lack of some vitamin, mineral or protein.

* Eat more undamaged grains, healthy fat and lean meats, all of which net you feel full and satisfied.
* Have small, frequent meal to help keep your blood sugar plane stable and eliminate your body's need for a express sugar fix. Avoid skipping meals (especially breakfast).
* Take a daily multivitamin. Some nutrients relief keep blood sugar stable, so ensure you get those by supplementing your diet appropriately.
* Avoid artificial sweeteners. Research have shown that artificial sweeteners cause intense cravings for sweets.

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You are probably pmsing or your hormones are changing right very soon. If you give in and hold the chocolate, you'll only crave it more, so try to hold off. If you really NEED to get through some chocolate, buy those 100 calorie pack chocolate brownies or cupcakes.

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I had the same problem ur sugar is low. and u should drink 4-5 goggles of water i had mine for resembling a month and after a few weeks i didnt crave for chocolate:p

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Put down the Hershey bar and back away.

Here, at smallest eat some QUALITY chocolate.

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