I hold a ask roughly speaking discharge...FEMALES ONLY PLZ!?

heyy, before i ask anything let me speak about u some things u should know. i am a 15 year old girl and NO PERIOD. i have discharge...approaching gross snot stuff coming out of my vagina. sometimes its clear-ish, sometimes its white-ish, and sometimes its a yellow-green color. is this a sign that my period is gonna come soon, or do i have a abnormal infection?? my doc said my discharge should be light brown, but its not! im getting rly worried about not have my period, because most girls have it by the time they are my age. also, i hold armpit har and leg hair that i sheve, and the normal amount of pubic spike. i still have one baby tooth and solely 1 twelve year molar in. AND my breasts are only size 34A. so, am i gonna capture my period soon do u think?

My time??!?

I hold the same cearish and withish discarge so your fine there and the time of year thing you are most likely going to carry it soon. And Its normal not to get you perod till belated the lateist is 16 if you dont have it then next see a doc. and dont worrie I just spoke with my doc. and you are fine.

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If you are have a discharge you should consult your parents and go to see a physician. There could be a number of things that are cause the discharge including the onset of your period. However, it could be something more serious. I don't want to alarm you but very soon is the time to start taking charge of your female well-being and making sure you get checked regularly. If you enjoy been sexually active the urgency is in that even more so. Going to the doctor will put your mind at ease and perhaps stop something that may be treated or normal. Good luck.

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Well clearly your female parts are working, bring your getting discharge, and my sister got her period around 15 too, so yeah, and don't verbs, it's gonna come. The yellow green color doesn't sound drastically normal though, if your vagina smells bad or itches, thats how you know you own an infection.

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the discharge is normal and a sign of puberty. it will only be brown when your term is starting or ending.

and why do you hate your body? why is it gross? i'm glad you haven't started menstruating nonetheless. you sound way too not fully formed to handle it.

enjoy your disgusting, gross body, kid.

Please answer?

yes probably but I have discharge for 2 years and then my period come so just be patient
everyones time comes at different times so do not compare with friends or whatever and dont return with worried it will probably make it worse.
Some signs oof your period coming:

tummy ache
back aches
mood change
breasts hurt

hope all goes economically xx


most definetly.
all you need is the time of year now.
it should be coming soon if you already have adjectives the other signs of puburty.
good luck.
but go to the doctor if your worried going on for the discharge.

I found green surrounded by my wad!?

Discharge is normal, but not a guaranteed indication that your period is coming. It vastly well COULD be coming, but I wouldn't use it as a sign.

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Definitely. I've been have my period for eight years now, and every time I am in the order of to start I get the same discharge as what you are conversation about. Never fails. You're time of year is coming.

Breast nouns request for information??

white and clear is normal, i got that approaching a year before my period. but pale green is not normal, if it smells like fish, i would walk to the doctors

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no, the discharge is when your vagina cleans its self. it happens every say. i thought it be weird too, but i got use o it.

Going on the pill.?

Your time of year is coming but it sounds like you've got an infection. Go to your doctor and she will check it for you (don't be feeling guilty, shes seen worse). But either agency, its coming :D

I started my period surrounded by Febuary this year, but i still haven't tolod my mum, how do i report to her!?!?!?

i wouldn't really worry about not have your period yet. a friend of mine i go to HS with didn't start hers till our senior year.

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green is a sign of infection

white/yellow is okay

brown/red/pink is okay

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Yep, it is normal, but if it smells "fishy" or is a "infection" looking color' (looks resembling the color of puss-i know its gross thinking about it, trust me; been in that done that-) go to a doctor because u could have a yeast infection. You don't enjoy to be sexually active to get a yeast infest, so it is possible.
Bout not have your period yet, consider yourself luck, it is NO fun. But you should start menstruating going on for 2yrs after you begin the signs of puberty. (my doc told me that and he was on the mark).
Good luck sweetie!!

>:( my lower back hurts >:( ! !?

Can someone help out me w/ the big "O"?
SEX x!.?
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