Solution to High Global Warming&Medical Care Cost for developed countries merely. INFLATION. Who agrees next to me?

What is the #1 cause of high medical consideration:

1) Heart Disease.

What causes Heart Disease?

1) Consuming Junk Foods result to OBESE

What makes Japan and Norway the healthiest country ever?

1) Consume Healthy foods.

What is the #1 incentive of Global Warming?

1) Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants
2) Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars

What is the solution to Global Warming and High Medical Care cost?


Inflation will change consumers spending behavior by:

1) Eat less foods. This will dwindling our OBESE population.
2) Save Energy. We will be able to use less animation by car pooling, ride the public transportation, minimize the use of heater and A/C, minimize the use of wash/dryer, and oodles more.


Remember when we were a kid and MAMA always said chomp through veggies and turn off your light up to that time going to bed. Maybe we should all become a kid once again and have MAMA update us what to do. If we aren't spoiled, problems solved.


What would you compare the throbbing of First Time Sex to?

Actually inflation would exacerbate the problem. It would cause unemployment and more welfare dependence. Of course dismissal and welfare benefits are tied to the inflation rate so these people who represent much of the problem would only see their benefits grow near inflation. Of course the government would need to export tax the workers more to cover the cost of the increased costs of benefits which would only contribute to a shrinking economy.

Track Meet Period?

Global warm is a farce made up by Al Gore, who also invented the internet. LOL!! It is a natural process the earth go through, and it is just something the goverment does to scare ancestors. The antartica is now again becoming cooler, and not warming up. The planet does heal its self

I own lots of small white bumps within my vagina i enjoy never have sex?

Well, ONE thing I disagree near you about is whether this belongs in the women's vigour department.

How do i ask mom?

Your premises are ignorant and badly flawed.
1) The rise within health care costs is due more to the rising costs surrounded by liability insurance and the costs associated with research and development and goverment over regulation.

2) The principal causes of global warm are the natural warming and cooling cycles of the dirt and the sun.

You also have no idea in the region of economics, or what the causes and effects of inflation are. Inflation will only hurt the poorer segmants of society, I own enough to keep myself supplied near Doritos, and keep my boat and truck filled next to gas. People are going to get what they want, look at the rise in cigarette prices. My state raise the tax $1 PER PACK as of Jan 1, and everybody who wants to is still smoking!

You do enjoy one good solid point, the key to dutiful health and a healthy weight- EAT LESS, MOVE MORE!

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Why do I gush during sex surrounded by 3rd trimester pregnancy??
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