Women - Do you shave your legs everyday!?!?

My friend shaves her legs everyday! I told her I didn't and she was like ewwww. If I know I'm going to be wearing pant etc. I let it go a few days because I'm inefficient; my husband teases me but I don't think he really care. My question is do you shave everyday? If you don't what does your husband say?

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HELLL NO! Lol its lately too much of a hassle to shave everyday. I'm the same way, if I'm wearing pant (which I usually do) I don't worry about shaving. My boyfriend does not guardianship. Some girls are just really picky about that type of thing.. and some guys are too. In my opinion, if a guy is shallow ample to care about that crap... the girl should dump him. If he really care about you.. he won't care roughly a little hair. Its not a big buy and sell!

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I'm a blonde, although the hair on my legs is brown so I can't get away near not shaving for very long. I dance tap where people see my legs on an almost on a daily basis basis, so I shave every two days. Every day is lately a nuisance for me, and considering I'm only 14, I don't hold a husband. I don't even have a boyfriend for goodness sakes! Your husband shoudn't contemplation about whether you shave daily or not, he should a short time ago love you for who you are no matter what.

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.. No, i do not shave my legs very regularly, because I'm a blonde and we can get by a lot longer, simply if iam wearing shorts in summer, i do more often resembling once a week or so..( i wish i never had to ) my husband would never embarase me by that examine.. he knows i will do it ,sooner or later.

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i dont shave my legs everyday.
i do it when im going to be swimming, wearing a skirt or shorts.
i shave at the massively least once a month.
my boyfriend doesnt tease me more or less it at all.
(why the hell is ur husband teasing you, that isnt nice!)
he definately like when i shave my legs ,
and i like it when he shaves his face.
neither get done very often .
we are merrily scruffy and in love.
i would much fairly spend that extra hour in his arms than running a blade all over my body
**** that ****
im wax from now on.
i really do hate shaving its so dumb, it comes spinal column in a day

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i shave every 3-4 days because my hair grow slow... she might say ewww. but does she know that if you shave everyday your hairs attain really thick and hairy and little black dots, i to some extent not shave much to have nice skin and have my regular hair. =o]

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i shave everyday. my friends dont. its so gross. i dont have a husband. lol so i cant answer the second question. but in an hour my hair grows back. its annoying. my mom and me both enjoy the same issue.

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i dont shave everydayyy
only if i'm gonna wear shorts or somethingg.
otherwise i dont tbotherrr

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I shave every other light of day no matter what-but it's because it feels comfortable to me. Unless I am on time off I can't shave every day-just shave when it feels comfortable to you-

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i never shave.
unless im showing off my legs.
who care. haha.

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The last time I shaved my legs were within December.

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Only in the summer... otherwise every other day or approaching twice a week... my fiance doesnt care

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