I know this doesnt belong surrounded by here.but strep?!?

sorry this would be in like diseases or sumthing but not a soul answers!

so my friend just had strep throat concluding week- she had a stomache, fever, earache and sore throat.
shes not contagious anymore she vanished last wednesday. is it possible i culdve gotten it today? i have sore throat, stomache, restlessness, headache...

do i have strep or something dif? but shes not supposed to be contagious anymore right? HELP

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If you were near her right before her symptoms showed up or the first couple of days during, she was contagious afterwards you were with her when she be contagious, from what I have experienced. I have 4 kids and enjoy been through this and the doc always said to preserve the other kids away from them until the antibiotics had time to kick surrounded by. You can get it from direct contact (kissing, drinking or eating of same utensils, etc.) or indirect (phones, commonly touched items such as remotes, pen, pencils, door handles, etc) because of them coughing directly into their hands and touching stuff or lately from coughing, which alsways causes some spit to spray out in fine droplets, which can be breathed surrounded by by others or land somewhere commonly touched. You most likely own it, especially if she had all of those symptoms and you be with her. Get to a doc and have them check you out. That's the just way to be sure. If you have it, he can prescribe meds to return with rid of it. Get plenty of rest, too. I have had it and its a bummer. Remember, you are contagious. To find out exactly how long you are, ask the doc that, too.

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You could enjoy got it when she was still contagious, the germs has an incubation time when it is in your body but not extraordinarily active. Then the bacteria grows extremely hurriedly. You should get a mirror and open your mouth and look into the wager on of your throat. If you have strep your tonsils will be swollen and a beefy red. You can tell it's your tonsils because they will be sticking out and look puffy. You involve to go to the doctor before it get worse otherwise you are gonna be miserable.

Period ask?

Because strep is so highly contagious, I would highly recommend going the doctor ASAP! If it's not strep, at tiniest you will know for sure! Also, check out the link I posted, it has adjectives the info you need about strep...but be in motion to the doctor!

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Yes. She's not contagious anymore true, but you probably got it from her earlier... it take time (incubation period) to make you sick.
Please see a doctor or nurse right away. Step is VERY contagious.

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she probably gave it to u

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