Quick womanly question- please give a hand?

can i stop my birth control with one week moved out? or should i finish the 7 remaining days? im susposta start a new pack after i grasp my period. im tired of waiting, and how impossible is it to just stop the pill, i tight-fisted what difference does 7 days make??

Answers:    It make a BIG difference. You should go ask your doctor something like that because if you do stop early you can hold serious problems! Just ask your doctor.
Yes, you can stop now if you close to. You will find that you get your extent within a few days of taking your ultimate pill. Your body will adjust to the new hormone level.

Keep in mind that you are stopping a hormone treatment though and you may find you win emotional etc.

Having said that though, be lenient and just sit it out. It sounds resembling you're making this decision base on imatience. That's hardly a suitable reason to be base decisions on.
It's not going to hurt you if you stop the pills sooner, but you'll no longer be protected from pregnancy. Your time of year will probably be messed up too. When you say you're supposed to start a topical pack after you get your time, do you mean a unsullied kind of pill? If you're wanting to verbs birth control, just continue out the last seven days so you're still protected. it depends on the birth control u nick.. im on loestrin and there is 4 weeks.. so for the three weeks nearby is the prescription and the last week they are blanks so i dont enjoy to take them. its roughly for me to remember the days.. ask ur doc

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