Menopause Questions and Answers - Women's Health
- Does Prempro work for irritability and rage beside menopause?
- Whats the best treatment for the menopause?
- What is the youngest age a woman can go through menopause?
- what can i do to prevent night sweats caused by menopause?
- Is it possible to have stress induced menopause?
- i'm 44 and the woman i'm starting to see is 53 how will having sex with a woman that has been thru menopause
- Does the age you first got your period determine when you will go into menopause?
- menopause and its horrible way's Please someone give me some clues as to how to deal with it?
- Eating habits during menopause?
- im only 21 and i am having menopause like symptoms im cold one minute and hot the next its weird whats wrong?
- Is there a love-life after menopause?
- Will there be life after menopause?
- How do women manage menopause?
- how old and how long does menopause last?
- Is there any first symptom signs of menopause and what are they?
- What are some of the more common signs that you are starting to approach menopause?
- Can your periods be really close together for menopause within a space of 2weeks?
- anyone going through menopause and put on loads of wieght?
- What is the hormone women take to delay menopause?
- I am 46 and l have no symptoms of menopause, l had a hysterectomy, l am not on any medications?
- What symptoms do you first get when starting the menopause, or peri-menopause ? I'm 43?
- How long does thed menopause last for?
- What are the signs of menopause? And what age does it start?
- What is the average age for menopause in America?
- anyone going through menopause/peri-menopause?
- I am in the middle of the menopause and drink soya milk and eat soya nuts. I sill feel warm what else to do ?
- is it normal not have hot flashes during menopause?
- I am 45 and think am nearing menopause. I can feel my self change. what can I do to control it? it is scaly?
- I'm going through menopause. Please share your experience?
- I am 50 years old and I have to be drinking Premarin pills which are for women who going through the menopause
- I'm 47, haven't had a period since Dec 1, pregnancy test last week was negative. Can menopause start so fast?
- how do I know I am in menopause?
- Signs of menopause? I'm 43. Never had a regular cycle. How will i know when menopause begins?
- What happends to the sperm cells when having a sexual intercoarse with a menopause?
- does every women going through the menopause suffer from hot flushes and why do they happen?
- i hope that this is menopause?
- Can you think of anything that starts with "MEN" that is a women's problem? ex.. menopause?
- Can going through menopause and afterword also, slow a woman's metabolisn down?
- Can going through menopause and afterword also, slow a woman's metabolism down?
- Help me explain menopause to a male boss?
- at what age do you go through menopause?
- Do anovulatory birth controll pills retard menopause?
- can the depo prevero cause early menopause after coming off it?
- Do women lose their mind during menopause,like talking to themselves,ignore others,see things?
- how long does the menopause last?
- What and when does menopause start?
- What is the average age for menopause?
- For older women only. How did you know you reached menopause?
- menopause problems?
- Do you know the who the 7 drwarfs of menopause are?
- Would receiving high doses of estrogen put a young girl into menopause?
- Is a uterine polyp found to have cancer cells require the uterus to be removed after menopause?
- Has any woman experienced an enlarged uterus due to menopause?
- At what age do the symptoms of menopause actually begin? How long is the period of "pre-menopause"?
- What is the highest age for menopause?
- can I get pregnant during menopause?
- Question for the women who have gone through menopause?
- If you have your fallopian tubes tied do you still get your period and menopause?
- Apparently during menopause there is possibile nervousness and insomnia.but i was wondering?
- My mom is going through menopause?
- My mother -in-law is going through the menopause and is suffering from intense hot flushes/ sweats/insomnia?
- Signs of early menopause?
- Has any one experienced menopause?
- What is menopause?
- So if someone got their period at a young age would that mean that they would go through menopause earlier?
- Women only: I know that I am going through menopause ,but?
- Can menopause increase blood pressure?
- Does the onset of the menopause make you lose you memory?
- What can u do for menopause in the early thirties? Its killing me?