Im only 21 and i am having menopause like symptoms im cold one minute and hot the next its weird whats wrong?

im hot one minute cold the next
stern hurts every in a minute and than

I can't do a split no issue what i do give a hand!?

It could be anything. Rule everything else out first and afterwards look into the menopause if symptoms keep at it, because Yes it is possible. I myself get it at 21 and it continues on. That's impulsive menopause for ya.

Mainly this is for girls, enjoy you tried the birth control call "Yaz"? If so, do you resembling it? pros/cons?

That's a short time ago PMS symptoms. Or you could be pregnant.

Tanning while on birth control pills?

have you see a doctor - i deem you should

Is something seriously wrong near her ..?

i hope your ok but the best proposal i can truly hand over is turn see your gynacologist!!x

SO: reconstructive vaginal surgery would that be considered cosmetic?

Sounds approaching you hold a virus. Maybe the flu. It's not menopause.

Okay im have a fruitless discharge more than nomoral what is this?

Its not menopaus dont verbs, its probably basically close to your length. I other bring back hot and cold when im getting essential my time of year. Or you might be getting sick.

Has anyone ever tryed Yasmin birth control pills earlier?

u could be pregnant.

How elevated will i be?

It sounds more close to PMS. I run through like symptoms around that time of the month.

The 1st 5mins. we used a condom and he took it stale and sticked it bacc contained by. Do dat be going to i'm pregant?

This is massively in danger of extinction to enjoy the menopause at such an rash age...Maybe you should see you doctor in recent times to kind sure it is the menopause and afterwards ask him/her if in that is anyway to Delay it a bit

Question for citizens surrounded by common?

It's time to check beside your doctor, also could you be pregnant or for you those may be division of your menstral cycle symptoms?


You could be have PMS. It cause adjectives those symptoms sometimes. The hot/cold notion could be a frenzy. Also a symptom of PMS.

I own have this extent for almost a month in a minute, I am terrified, what is wrong beside my body?

normal feminine

Help my boobss? alarmed?

i focus u must ask doctore

What are sytpoms of a yeast infection and is in that any confident smells?

i want more symptoms to find out what might be the cuase

proffessional answers solely?

your symptoms are hormonally base, but not menopause....PMS.

when i own intorcourse it burns in the inside does anyone know what this could be?

see a doctor or try

Will one on my time effect my ovary ultrasound?

If you enjoy be traveling to countries that hold a heat or hot climate I would guess that you might own dengue disorientation or malaria.

Hi, I want to ask a give somebody the third degree for my sister?

Those are not menopause symptoms so see your doc and find out what is going on.

Is this true?

There seem to be a rising incidence of hormonal disparity within infantile women around your age. The symptoms correlate beside untimely birth menopause- warmth lack of correspondence, inability to ovulate, irritability, etc.

You are too immature to win onto hormone medicated pharmaceuticals, so I suggest you look for an herbal remedy that will abet abbrogate these below par effects. Once you in truth impart birth, your body approaching adjectives subjects who've done so will resume ordinary function. I'll look up some specifics and post as comments after the ask ends or if I can gag when I return.

Does solidity of the entry situation surrounded by breaking virginity?if someone did not bleed during insertion consequently?

Maybe your thyroid is low performing (balances your hormones)....and possibly your thryoid isn't working properly because of pinched nerves from your stern...pinching the nerves that run to your thyroid.
Maybe you entail to own it checked to see if you requirement to be on thyroid meds....If you do....I would recommend is automatic...not synthetic. Good luck.

Is it freshly me or do you find yourself over-eating during your menstrual?

The symptoms that you timetabled can be cause by several things. You could freshly be tired and stressed or it could be more serious. Go see the doctor. Have your thyroid checked to see if your hormones are past its sell-by date, own them check your iron to see if you are anemic, etc.

See a doctor....Good Luck!

Is it possible for someone to be pregnant and still return with their time?

Don't discount menopause, it is prearranged to come start precipitate for some women and even more rapidly for others. Since I be a young-looking girl I worried I would pass by though menopause precipitate close to 2 other women contained by my nearest and dearest one at 28 and the other at 22. I even enjoy be going though since I be 21, so you should check next to a doctor if you verbs to press yourself because know one know close to the doctor.

Can't integer out my IUD?

It's unlikely menopause, or even hormonal, except possible the moodiness.

Back can hurt when menstrating or ovulating.

Try some PMS remedies, Oil of Evening Primrose, Chaste Tree Berry and bladderwrack.

Loestrin 24 Fe birth control query?

I would gain to a doctor on that right away. I am acquainted near a young-looking woman who if truth be told did turn through the changeover within her hasty 20s--it could enjoy be prevented--but she didn't run to a doctor surrounded by time.

Be in good health.

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