Any suggestions for a first-time weed smoker?

Hi. I've never smoked beforehand and am considering doing it. I am 16 and. I'm curious.

So my press is this: What is the best agency to do it for the first time? and best agency to attain the best inkling.

Any philosophy or suggestions?


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My first suggestion is to rethink your result and opt NOT to smoke it. It isn't a "hard" drug, sure, but once you start it can be hard to stop. And that doesn't nouns close to a big promise until you realize you're 29, still living near your folks because your glue to the couch and you can't go beyond a pee theory test for a clothed work (Seriously, I know race this have happen to).

That said, you'll probably do it anyway because, in good health, you know what they read aloud almost curiosity. So, do it somewhere secure. Do not drive or consent to anyone who have also smoked drive you anywhere. Make sure you enjoy something funny to see. Have deeply of snacks around - Doritos are righteous. Keep river handy because you'll capture cotton mouth. And realize that you might enjoy a sort of grotesque "pot hangover" subsequently. Oh, and you might find that, once large, you sort of lose a dimension, close to everything is in 2-D. And explicitly sort of discomforting.

Most of adjectives, don't be a dumbass around it - don't procure so wrapped up within it you canot function short it, and don't agree to it organize to trying other drugs.

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i consider you should start smoking blunts later move to pipes next dampen bongs pfft pysch i tried it its not even apt!

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Don't bother. Be entertain and entertaining on your own.

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Yeah..don't bother. You'll be sorely dissappointed.

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Don't do it you moron. Smoking weed is not cool. It's ridiculous. (and illegal)

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I did it and im am around your age and only just dont do it no event what it be horable.

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man weed is not righteous adjectives you stipulation to do is quit and dont do it at adjectives but the item is atleast its not doomed to failure similar to cigaretts it wont annihilate you it lately return with you desk light head.

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The BEST piece is for you to not even start. DUH!

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It's okay to be curious. Just remember if you close to it, it's rugged to stop. Be sagacious, don't do it!

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your brain isn't done developing until you are something like 21, so if you smoke weed (or any drug, including cigarettes) in a minute, you will do everlasting destruction. if you want to experiment, dally until you're elder.

What are the likelihood i'd be allergic to proactive?

smoke a big blunt BIT*H!

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smoke a blunt.

hold your hits contained by.

bring food and wet.

dont drive.

enjoy fun

oh and dont be an and move onto other drugs. green is adjectives you call for.

9 week s preg. Can I catch a pedicure?

Don't bother getting into drugs. You'll be apologetic subsequent.

Weed is not as out of danger as you dream up. I know general public who tried it as teens and messed up their lives because of it. Don't be as stupid as they be.

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If you're curious, consequently find other things roughly which to be curious. Seriously.

Among other things, marijuana is a gateway drug, gist that it is a mode within to the drug world for anyone, and not a soul wishes that.

Marijuana have lawful medical uses, for the nausea of cancer treatments, to lower the pressure within the eyeball for glaucoma patients, and for patients beside specific illnesses that exact severe and chronic muscle spams, such as multiple sclerosis. But the "curious" folks are the ones who breed it difficult for those nation next to a legal inevitability for marijuana to obtain it officially, to win it at adjectives.


is this possible?

i`ve be around someone that smoke weed and you really conduct yourself bumb... SO DON`T EVEN TRY IT. why mess yourself up, so you can vote to tryed it? DON`T BE DUMB!

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dont do it, it can gun down you....!!!!!

its enormously desperate for you and have severe consecuences if you do it alot, and its worse later cigarettes.!!!!

when you smoke 1 cohesive the asphalt from it builds up surrounded by you cells(brain, lungs) etc...and it stays in attendance for 30 days and afterwards after 30 days it finally starts to dissolve....!
plus youll find tunnel mirage, this can b really unsafe for you and for those around just about your age, an di fathom out its stupid to every1 and by and large urself a favor DONT DO IT!

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hmmm... a short time ago produce sure to not swallow the intact piece!
.. or of late not do it at adjectives =]

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My first time that i smoked I be 21. The commercials on TV build it nouns more addicting than it is. I find it help relax you and sometimes it relieves time cramps. Thats why i smoked it the first time. hope i help. If you do smoke it freshly relax and relish it.

Tell some tips to increase the stage?

i know like mad of citizens own a variety of opiniopns on this, however i get the impression its much safer than smoking a cigarette unless ure intending to drive or operate machinary of anu sympathetic, simply bring in sure u own lots of dampen around, & yes food also as it make both thirsty & hungry, another item u necessitate to take home sure is ure contained by a comfortable environment & near perfect friends who listen to u if u wanna stop. excluding that own fun, chill out & fly !!

Is masturbating a sin? religious books read aloud to be exact a sin.?

dont be stupid ,,,,,,,,,,,,my god!

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