Is this possible?

is it possible for some one to put surrounded by a tampon and afterwards subsequent puting in another one but forgeting to pocket out the other one? close to would the 1st one be stuck within you? i get really freaked out a week or so ago wondering this.. similar to would u relize in that be 2 tampons contained by you

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oh comon if you dont interest that you must hold one hell of a hole besides how could you forget.

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no,because u would get the impression it,its close to fulling a bucket next to sea and its already full.

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You could enjoy more than one tampon surrounded by at a time, but it wouldn't be "stuck" because once it become soaking wet, it would slop out or, at lowest, drop down far plenty to win pulled out.

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trust me hun, u wont forget that one is already in u... if u do, possibly u should only just use pad...

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its IS possible, however tampons cannot go and get lost inside you, so you would know how to retrieve BOTH.

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Sure..if the string from the 1st tampon is inside you. It won't be stuck, but you would inevitability to find the string and take it out ASAP. Any tampon gone contained by for longer than the recommended time can do Toxic Shock Syndrome, which can craft you bad. The tampon can't be in motion any further long-gone your cervix, but you entail to remove it if in that is one contained by at hand. If you judge you may own disappeared one within, try to find the string and if you can't, telephone your gynecologist and agree to he/she know.

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this is NOT possible...the hole into you body after where on earth u put the 1st one surrounded by is the size of a PIN HOLE!!

Moodiness Fix?

yes it is possible..i can other e post you my embarassing story but i am not posting it on here :-)

Peri Menopause?

Yes, this is definitely possible as it have happen to me. I go to verbs out my tampon and two of them come out. I hadn't realize that I already have one surrounded by when I put another one surrounded by. After that I tried to be massively vigilant to remember when I have ultimate inserted one. Sometimes the string get stuck up inside of the vagina and you own to insert your finger and touch around for it. You may surface mortified doing this to yourself but in attendance is nil wrong within doing it and you won't hurt yourself. After your spell is over, you may want to use a lubricant (water, saliva or K-Y jelly but not vaseline) insert one or two of you fingers into your vagina and quality vertebrae and forth later up and down merely to be sure that you haven't disappeared anything in within. Don't perceive flushed, it's your body and it's matching article that a gyne does during a pelvic exam. A tampon gone within for several days could lead to toxic shock or an infection.

Isn't this wierd?

It is entirely possible (it in actuality happen to me once). The first one can not "capture stuck." The vagina is lone inches long, the cervix would prevent anything from going up any sophisticated. The cervix is the first showing between the uterus and the vagina, and is roughly the size of a typed "o" - if this ever happen to you, adjectives you enjoy to do is realize contained by and verbs out the first tampon you put contained by after you steal out the second one.

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Actually it is possible, my poor sister forgot she not here one contained by and inserted another one. She said she freake dout when she realize, but she be competent to receive it out on her own, but you should other touble check cuz the longer you take off within a tampont he morea t risk you become for toxic shock syndrome.

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