Period Blood?
Why is this?
Is this typical because it's freaking me out!!
Answers: You may just own a very hurricane lantern flow right now, or it could be spotting, which is desk light bleeding in between the time of your regular term.
its called your time
and its completely normal
you don't start to gush blood when your on your spell
just wear a wipe or tampon and you'll be fine
if its ur first time getting ur period its run of the mill
if its not then you should linger a while before going into conlusions Its conventional.
this is normal .your time has only started now .
merely wear a pad and you'll be fine , there's no entail to panic.
stay cool
Its adjectives normal hey. i hold even heard that a term only equalls a table spoon of blood approaching in the 5 - 7 afternoon period. Dont stress.