Any ways to comfort grow taller?!?
I dont look good in any clothes because I am short.
My mom is 5'5.5 and my dad 5'10.
any sustain? I know its genetic but are there any NATURAL ways to help?
How long the deapth of a girl vegina?
at this age your not done growing freshly yet, but the rate may be slowing down a is my suggestion, HIGH HEELS tot, love them, have someone help you walking contained by them till your are walking so well, noone will notice your hight, in recent times those amazing legs!!
I hold on to getting this icky ooze within my underwear?
ur not short ur fun sized! i'm 5'6 going on 5'7 and i hate being elevated!! enjoy being short and only remember high heels! I heard if u devour alot of protein it helps u grow but not 100% positive.. hope that helped :]]I own an IUD everytime i hold sexual intercourse near my partner i bleed persistent is that unpromising?
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Question roughly speaking bleeding after sex?