Is it normal that a girl (25y) doesnt hold a period for roughly 34-35 days?

I know i am not pregnant (no sex). I came to US closing september and i dont have sex since consequently, my boyfriend stays in his country. I am expecting to spend a different year here to obtain my training degree.

Before coming to US, my extent was regular. But starting from May, i own problem that it delayed by few days. This delay become longer and longer. I am a bit worried whether it is normal, If it is not, what it could be? Any counsel for me? PLZ advice. (But dont report to me that i should have sex near someone, there must be other ways, i dont want to cheat my boyfriend). THNX

PEASE answer?

Mine is regularly 36 days. I asked my doctor if that be abnormal, and I be told "Well, if it's normal for YOU, later it's normal."

Unless it vary a LOT, you should havent much to worry going on for. 28 days is an average, so you cant expect each of your period to be that length and no more. It's fine if they become spread out over time.

It may be your body's reaction to the move, or to suddenly cease to have sex. Regardless, I'm sure it's completely everyday.

Hey, look at it this way. The farther apart they are, the smaller amount periods you'll enjoy in your lifetime! Yay!

I am almost a 32b and I am 14.. my sister has approaching double ds. how big should they get, or am i done growing?

If youve lost or gain alot of weight not long that could be it, you need 2 mantain a nourishing weight to ovulate.

What could it be?

Sometimes stress affects your cycle. How long be your cycles before?

Lladies with the sole purpose please help me am i pregnant?

not sure, ego have to examine you.

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