Consistant peeing?

Ok so, within simplest jargon, my girlfriend can't stop peing. She pees literally every 30 minutes. She is also passion tired today and I don't know what's going on. She have have some discomfort on the right side of her body, right where on earth the appendix is on the not here side. Which is odd. I assume near is something wrong beside her bladder too. She say she watches her diet approaching crazy, but she have gain substance. About 10 pounds or so.

I thought I should mention this as ably. I've have sexual intercourse next to her, and i ejaculate inside her. We get the morning after pill the subsequent sunshine as powerfully. It have be 1 week and 4 days since it happen, so she couldn't possibly show symptoms of pregnancy nonetheless, is that correct?

Also I don't want unschooled citizens to answer my sound out, I want somebody, preferably a feminine or a doctor to answer my interview. Is this something adjectives ladies experience or what's going on?

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It could be profoundly of things or nought - she should see the doctor.

Things to save within mind, she could enjoy a urinary tract infection, diabetes, interstitial cystitis (look this up), kidney infection, etc.

Don't verbs - she'll be OK. Just turn to the doctor near her - and give somebody a lift supervision.

I enjoy have 2 period this month and a dischargeshould I verbs?Serious answers individual please!?

She could enjoy anything from a UTI to diabetes. hold her see a Dr.

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I'm sorry for answering this i am not a professional but i believe she is in difficulty of diabetes

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She may hold a bladder infection. she wants to see a doctor. the consignment gain might be unrelated...

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She could hold a UTI or bladder infection...she desires to see her doctor

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i have an idea that she desires to see a doctor, it could be numerous things, sounds a bit approaching diabetes (i enjoy type 1) a moment ago jump to a doctor and everything will be fine.

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I am not a doctor, but I would guess a urinary tract infection. It would emphatically bring increased urination and could grounds fatigue- it is not customarily serious and should clear up impartially efficiently next to treatment. She should see a doctor.

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I give attention to it's too precipitate for such pregnancy symptoms for conception occuring 1 week & 4 days ago - is it possible she is pregnant from an quicker sexual incident?

She could also own a Urinary Tract Infection.

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If you are diabetic next you may urinate more regularly or if you consume more soft also. So cut your hose intake and see if here is any modification and also whether nearby is any urinary infection. Better consult a doctor. If she is have urinary infection afterwards at hand is a indiscriminate that you may also have/get it.

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its a possibility of the pains and adjectives that 2 be occurring because she go on the pill because sometimes the pill can mess up near ur body as for peeing alot of women pee more when expecting nearby period/weak bladder or a shield of diabetes
hope this help

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while frequent peeing is a symptom of pregnancy i seriously doubt that pregnancy is it. it could basically be a uti (urinary tract infection) or other bladder issue. it could also be the beginnings of a kidney infection. any opening she requests to see a doctor. hopefully it is not something more serious such as an std. not dictum that you own one but near are some stds that hold this as a symptom also. hope adjectives comes out capably.

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diabetes or bladder infection. any mode, step to the doctor.

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She could enjoy a bladder control problem and may have need of to obtain on a calligraphy resembling enablex. I enjoy be through alike point and have to progress to the bathroom every 30 minutes isn't very fun and interrupts so masses things. since I hold be on enablex I own go from going to the bathroom 12-20 times a afternoon to smaller quantity than 8 which is common. Have her run see her doctor so she can be sure. The counterbalance gain could fundamentally capably e unrelated. Hope everything works out. Good luck!!

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DIABETIC OR A UTI....see a dr.

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no shes most expected not, she could hold a bladder problem my aunt have to hold a pee bah because of those bladder problems. but i don't muse thats it enjoy her drink a great deal of cranberry liquid for going on for a week and if its still similar to that she might wanna try a pregnancy testing.
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