Is a 7 1/2 to an 8 shoe size noraml for a girl that is 5"4 or 5"5 and is in her mid 20's?


Woman put somebody through the mill?

Yes really. I'm 5'4" and wear a size 7- 7 1/2.
It in actuality is a relatively small size- most of my friends/boyfriends read out I enjoy cute feet- I'm sure you do too!!

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yes thats conventional

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my g f is 5' 3 and a partially, and wear a 7 1/2 shoe size.

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Yeah, I'm 21, 5'4'' and wear an 8 1/2

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yep its similar to watertight.

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Define middle-of-the-road.

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My daughter is contained by her 20s and stands 5'6" and her shoe size looks commonplace on her. So I would enunciate yes to your inquiry.

I missed my extent!?

yeah, that's the right size. i am 5'4 1/2 and i can wear from a 7 1/2 to a 8 1/2. shoe size usually depends on your distance from the ground not your age

Ladies, I obligation some relief.?

Yeah, contained by the U.S., the average woman wear a 8 1/2. Interesting reality I read, women's foot hold steadily gotten larger over yesteryear century.

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Totally perfect---I'm 5'4 and own a size 8 1/2 foot contained by my hasty twenties....don't verbs more or less it!

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I know a girl who is five four and have a size five and a partially foot. There is no such item as a "normal" foot size.


yes to be exact completely average. I am 5'2 and wear a size 6 1/2 to a 7. Don't verbs something like that's a great size to wear. Nothing wrong next to it.

Please give a hand what should i do?

I am in the order of 5'2" and I simply wear a size 5 shoe

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i would guess its usual since im 5'1 and wear a 7.5 to an 8 depending on the brand of shoe and what type of shoe it is

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maybe yeah it conventional

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The average shoe size within the U.S. is a size 8 1/2 and the average rise is 5' 4 1/2". But that's solitary an average, not taking into report your ethnic heritage or body type. I am 5-5 and wear a size 10, and own pretty huge bones. So I'm a moment or two above average, and it sounds approaching you're rather below. Those are simply averages though. Your shoe size sounds a short time ago fine.

Please aid me, any proposal at adjectives!!!!!?

yes, without a flaw regular

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