Why do woman articulate that they hate their interval?

These are the main reason woman say they detest their period:
it's messy

Here are the things you can use to stop those things:
strain reliever

So my question is if you can fix thoes things after why do you still hate it? Because you hold to do thoes things or have to operation with it? When next that just scheme your lazy.

Am i supposed to hold nightmares? why don't i have them anymore?

Women aren't inefficient. Periods just suck. You must be enormously young, child.

When you gain older, they take worse. Much worse. Cramps can be blinding to some women, especially those with conditions close to endometriosis. Over the counter medications won't even touch them. Women bring back moody, weepy, irritable, and they're in cramp! And tampons work, yes. But there are times when you can't rush to the bathroom when you surface like you necessitate to, so accidents crop up.

Get a hobby, and don't ask questions approaching this. All it's going to do is piss a bunch of women off, and if they're "lazy" women on their period, that's not a good item.


Talk to me after you get your interval for a while.

Question about Birth Control Pill?

why did you ask that? you already know the answer

I own had implantation bleeding for 7 days in a minute. Is this normal?

not slothful dear=some women honestly don't like have periods

Bloated stomach?

Well if you hold cramps that don't respond to pain relievers and you go past clots so that your pad and tampons overrun no matter how leaky and you are so sick you have to spend a couple days within bed I would say that qualify as a reason to can`t bear your period.

Itchy vagina?

its annoying and it make me feel workshy and tired and out of sorts
are you a retard? its gross, a pain, gross, and why would anyone love it??

What is going on?

Sorry, but headache relievers really don't take consideration of the cramps. They can be disabling. And you forgot the nausea, bloat, grumpiness, etc that most of us have near our periods. If you can own a painless period beside just a couple of Midol, later good for you. But don't conciliator those of us who have serious problems every month at that time.

On heavy-flow days, a woman might own to change her tampon every hour -- and finding a rest room that regularly is not always possible, so we wear pad with our tampons and still procure blood on our clothes. Then there's the strange body odor that comes near periods -- I can other tell when another woman is menstruating from the smell, and deodorant does nought, because it flows out of every pore of the body.

Don't try to be condescending and charge those of us with difficult period of being "idle." Period pain and the other monthly problems are adjectives too real, and they do not own easy fixes.

Why is my time late?

it basically sucks that we have to spend partly our lives feeling shitty and putting up beside this nonsense. espeically for those of us who never intend to put it to use at any point in our lives. i revulsion it soooo much that i am now on birthcontrol consecutively so i never bring back it! it rocks! personally, the together thing disguists me...i don't mind dealing beside it...its just freakin gross.

Giving Head: condom or no condom?

It's defenitly true you can help yourself to medication and have adjectives those tampons and stuff. Fact is, women are human and so what if we complain about have our periods? We offer birth, we take after almost everybody but ourselves, we are treated approaching *, and even in todays soicety we are smaller number human than man, and on top of adjectives that we get our damn period.

Another great reason is because period make some of us hungry, and not a soul in the together effing world likes a hefty, hormonal woman. So, do us a favor and don't ask dumb questions.

I'm taking estrostep fe 28, & i'm on my interval b/c of the reminder pills. could i just skip to a trial pack?

It's not that simple for every woman. Many deal near cramps that are unbearable and aren't fixed freshly by popping in a few advil. Many women also deal next to flows that a simple tampon doesn't help because it's so big and there's clotting along beside that. It's also just a throbbing in the to operation with the mess, the cramp, the fatigue, back ache, and whatever else may come as symptoms to different women. Sometimes general public's periods also ultimate way longer than others and it's merely a huge inconvenience.

My friend has pregnancy symptoms, but the blood try-out was refusal, what's the deal?

Brigette dear it sounds resembling you haven't had your time of year for very long.

I'd say-so that it's worth a wager that most women don't like their vaginas to bleed for a week. If I didn't enjoy a period, I wouldn't mind. It get in the opening of sex, and it can be messy, crampy, and generally unpleasant.

If you evolve to be the kind of (young) woman who doesn't mind, devout for you! Your no-bullshit attitude will make period easy for you to accomodate.

However, cast brash judgements on others' situations is simply immature and uncalled for.

Women Please?

i abominate my period because they offer me killer cramps almost thrice a year. when i say slaughterer, i mean it. over-the-counter backache relievers do not take effect, i want to be injected with antispasmodic tablets.

every woman has a different response to menstrual cycle. i'm only just glad that you don't have to thieve extreme management for your discomfort.

Women: Any of you have a baby after age 40?

You can't own sex!

My sister smells from sweat and i think she's hit puberty?

Remember contained by some cases your period is your best friend. As long as you see if every month you are contained by good standing. Its when you hope it comes and it doesn't after there is a problem. (can you say aloud pass me the kid bottle) ha ha

How would i go roughly speaking selling my eggs..yes my female reproductive eggs?

I enjoy never heard a women say aloud she loves her period.
Yes at hand are something that do help some women. But everyone react differently, what may help one party may not help another. A few lucky ones hold light, terribly regular, non-painful periods.
I am VERY HAPPY that I do not own them any more.

Is anyone using the copper T IUD? any advice or information almost it would be MOST helpful!?

are you serious? why do women abominate our periods? umm ok let see

head and backachs
you perceive tired
mood swings

yea you can take discomfort reliever and use tampons but it still is horrible! i have such unpromising cramps every month i mean similar to crying in a ball cramping i am even thinking of the pill to abet. you must be young

Is here anything that can be done to help near extremely heavy period?

ok! we pms which makes us angry and restless.
the biggest reasons i abhorrence it are
- i cant swim caus its against my culture to use tampons
- my tae kwon do uniform gets stained and it kinda sucks given a'm the solely girl in the class
- i own to explain to our male P.E. coach why i cant swim.
- and it make me angryer than usual

Am a virgin but can i be pregnant after my boyfriend rubbed his penis on my vagina for fewsecondsbutdidn squit

Are you retarded?
Periods are the most inconvenient thing ever.
How can you voice that it's lazy to not want to settlement with something that f.ucks next to your mood, makes you swell up, and make you feel disgusting.
Let me know when you obtain your first, little girl. Then we'll have a nice f.ucking conversation around laziness and sympathy.
Dumb c.unt.

What could begin if?

Because for some women it's just awful, devastating stomach cramps, severe back sting. heavy flow that can take home you nervous in the order of going out just contained by case you overrun through a tampon and a pad!
Feeling sick, dizzy, moody, to be honest it's only just crappy having to consistency like this, I would contentedly get rid of mine immediately I've had them for 30 years too flipping long.

Birth control!?

Pain relievers aren't on top form. The more you stay away from pills and chemicals the more healthy you live.

So here we are, we did not return with rid of the pain issue...

As for individual messy, yes it is... tampons are not a solution because they are not as healthy as pad... which cause a large amount of mess.

I had to spend my in one piece day sleeping and suffering of cramp everywhere in my body newly because I got it today...

Why shouldn't I despise it?

Hair down there. Please facilitate!!?

no need of asking u know the answer...


I hear that there is a freezing procedure to save your nipples erect? If so what is it called?

Do you even enjoy it yet? Lol.. but for, then you can't even speak.

Sudden cellulite?

it's not give or take a few being slothful some woman don't like to use tompons you would own to worry almost getting tts or what every thats called and consequently you have to verbs about leak so what's so good give or take a few having it

For population who have like prob.Both Men and Women.?

It's still messy, even with tampons, and men regularly deny sex during menstruation. That's six days with no sex. Yeah, I unquestionably hate my time of year. Thankfully, I'll be having ablation done soon and will be competent have sex adjectives the time, no mess.

What is yaz I never heard of it.?

Because for some women twinge relief doesn't build a difference, tampons are useless and contribute to the pain. Also, some women hold underlying problems that are made worse when having a extent

Anyone had a colposcopy?

I dislike intensely it when it leaks and I've get white pantsby the side of:P How stupid am I :P

Help!!: females only, or docs.?

Sometimes it's clear,and some people are especially self concious about it. Also,besides mood swings-people can attain severe depression during periods and not want to detail anyone-including doctors,which equals no antidepressants.now do you judge that's healthy?! Cramps and a mess are not adjectives a period is...please inform yourself hun. =]

Can you attain a brazilian or even a bikini wax if your under 18 years antediluvian?

I'm not lazy! lol. I can`t bear my period because it is ABSOLUTLY disgusting. Not adjectives pain relievers work! Tampons are basically as messy, and sometimes painful. Once you bring yours, you will not ask that question ever again... savor the time you don't hold it!! lol

What do i do when i wake up and theres some impulsive guy on to of me?

Are you a man? Or are you a young young girl who hasn't had a valid period all the same?

I hate my period because I have endometriosis. do you even know what explicitly? It's when your menstrual blood can leak into your abdominal cavity and raison d`ĂȘtre pain and lesion... sounding fun yet? It also cause irregular periods that are complicated to be prepared for so you might get a suprise at a incredibly inconvenient time! I also have severe cramps, beefy flow, and extreme PMS. now that I read that I am wondering why I don't love have my period?!?! And later there's the manifest no sex thing. that freshly makes me aversion it more.

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