Help!!: females simply, or docs.?

ok, lately i have be having this discharge coming out of my vagina, and i dont know what cause this. its not sticky but its kinda gooey. sometimes its white or a light creamy color, no smell to it.
it started at one and the same time as when i got this irritated nouns down there to. theres no rosiness its just itchy. its kindof on that big fold of skin but on the lower division, on one side. it was really itchy and irritating for going on for 3-4 days, today its not as bad, but its still itchy and theres still discharge.
i dont know what it is or whats cause it. i cant go to the doctor, no money and im 17 so my parents would probably find out. im not have sex, never had, but in that was a guy who he did oral on me. lately telling this within case it might facilitate with something. im a short time ago not sure whats wrong. i dont know if its just a minor infection from something or if its something worse.
PLEASE HELP! and speak about me what your thinking. and dont tell me to communicate to my mom, cuz i wont. ok?

What is happening to me?

you can support the itching by using a mild vinegar and water douche. You can acquire a bacterial infection from oral sex, especially if your partner doesn't brush their teeth before foot. If the discharge and itching persist, you are going to enjoy say something to your mom because you are going to obligation treatment.
She will likely meditate your symptoms are just a yeast infection, and women carry them all the time in need sexual contact, so don't worry so much going on for being judge. Part of being fully fledged and growing up is being competent to trust that your mother, being a woman, understand you as you become one. So try growing up a little.

Abnormal Paps?

Is at hand a local health section in your nouns that you can seek medical relief at? It could be a yeast infection.

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well when a guy performs oral sex on you, you hold to make sure that he brushes his teeth. because it sounds close to you have a yeast or something of that business.

Losing weight?

sounds close to a possible bacterial infection u need to see a doc to get hold of some antibiotics to cure it.


It sounds like a yeast infection but you probably should be in motion to the local health clinic and ask for oblige.

Average Weight?

Maybe you got something from his mouth or oral cavity...
I am not sure so you definitely requirement a doctor.

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As long as there is no smell, no healthy-looking discharge, or no greenish tinge, your OK, it's just character's way of house cleaning!

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I'm greatly hesitant to answer, as you really call for a doctor's opinion, but have said that, It sounds to me like a yeast infection. Could be several things, but since you are not sexually active, that narrow it down.
Your local health dept may enjoy some way for you to find help next to nobody knowing.
If you flat refuse to jump there, some cures for yeast are: monistat (store equivalents are fine) or
Also, at home you can get through more combats the yeast.
I hope you can find a trusted buddy to help you next to this.

ABA FOR GIRLS, A question almost my period.?

don't mess around stir to a free clinic and a Doc should check you out for free

Am i still growing?

don't worry too much something like it. Maybe it's a small infection, maybe you haven't be eating wholesome enough.
I do surmise you should see a doctor, just contained by case it is a small infection, and you necessitate antibiotics.
Your parents probably have insurance, so you won't hold to pay for it. The doctor is not permitted to tell your parents if you don't want him to.
If this is a problem, perchance there is someone at conservatory, a teacher or someone else you really trust, who could facilitate you out. take carefulness!

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It could be a yeast infection, they are highly common. Google yeast infection and see if it applies to what you are experiencing. You can make conversation to your mom, she has probably have one and it is not caused by sex, so she won't infer that you did. You don't have to relate her that a guy did oral on you, but don't let anyone touch you down in that until it is normal again. Planned Parenthood clinics are free, so you can stir to one of those too if you really can't ask your mom. Do you have any elder friends or teachers? Bladder infections and yeast infections are greatly very adjectives and older women can back you buy the over the counter meds to help clear it up.

My vagina (and sometimes anus) itches, but I don't hold any bumps or anything.?

I can't say I've be in alike situation, but it could be a yeast infection. You itch a lot when here is a yeast infection and if the discharge is coming from your vagina, that sounds like what should own been occurring for quite a few years very soon.
Either way, if you reckon you need to see a doctor around it (which you probably should) you can always freshly go to the hospital by yourself. From what I know, the doctors can't contact your parents in the order of anything unless you give them okay.

Quick period sound out?

ok its a good point that you dont have the tangible sex and if ur going to try it in the future dont forget to use condoms discharged are regular but if its heavy conceivably u got infection.Yes, yeast infection but dont verbs its easy to treat freshly take antibiotics

Is what i did still count as sex?

The discharge is majority, unless it is really yellowish and smells. The itching may be because you have a minor yeast infection. This can be cause from many things including the type of underwear you wear.

Talk to your Mum, theres nil to be worried about. You don't hold to tell her around the guy. If it is a yeast infection it will need to be treated asap.

It may also be nil, but your are better to be safe than sorry.

Edit: If you have a sneaking suspicion that it is a yeast infection you should get your Mum to appropriate you to the Doctor to make sure. You could only go to the pharmacy, and obtain the medication, however you don't know if you are actually treating the right article.

The medication comes in two forms. Ones a pill and ones a cream, which have to be inserted right up inside you.

You can get a duo pack on that have both the cream and the pill. The pill will treat the infection from the inside and the cream will relieve the outside.

Your itching may just be from your underwear or enjoy you shaved down there lately. This too will cause irritation.

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You have a yeast infection and have need of to go buy an over the counter treatment such as Monistat. If departed untreated, yeast infections can turn into urinary tract infections which are a lot more humiliated and would require a trip to the doctor to get antibiotics.

Random bump around vagina. Confused and lil worried?

Sounds like a simple bacterial infection. No big operate, but you will need antibiotics

How can i *GAIN* weightiness?PLEASE HELP ME? do not treat a yeast infection with antibiotics..those can rationale the treat with an antifungal medication!..If a guy have herpes/gets blisters on his lips, it can still be tranfered during oral..hope that isn't the armour, but you might want to stop being stubborn and DO enlighten one of your parents. STD's can cause plentiful problems, even can make you sterile if gone untreated. Many STD's have the symptom of inevitability to stop being stubborn and capture yourself checked out before it progresses into something you may regret or finale up having unchanging damage from going untreated.

While you say aloud you will NOT tell anyone...guess about this...
Because chlamydial infection does not label most people sick, you can enjoy it and not know it. Those who do have symptoms may hold an abnormal discharge (mucus or pus) from the vagina or penis or affliction while urinating. These early symptoms may be exceedingly mild. Symptoms usually appear within one to three weeks after person infected. Because the symptoms may be mild or not exist at all, you might not want care and take treated.

The infection may move inside the body if it is not treated. There, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women and epidydimitis in men, two terribly serious illnesses.

C. trachomatis can cause inflamed rectum and inflammation of the inside layer of the eye ("pink eye"). The bacteria also can infect the throat from oral sexual contact beside an infected partner. (Source: excerpt from Chlamydial Infection, NIAID Fact Sheet: NIAID)

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sounds sore poor you. i suppose you wont like this but move about to the doctors and get looked at properly. if could be simple thrush, a yeast infection or an std. your gp cant distribute out any information you tell them as they own to treat what you say as confidentail and would be breaking the directive to tell your parents what you voice unless in exceedingly serious circumstances. can a friend lend you some money for the prescription
gum clinics or your local family clinics will treat you confidentailly, dont be embrassed they see worse cases than yours. numbers should be in the local pale pages. hope this help good luck :-)

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