What is going on?

Yesterday evening,i discovered a slightly pinkish disharge it hasent happend before or since,i am not pregnant my husband go in the army surrounded by december and i havent had sex since later i have have 2 periods since both seem normal and done 2 test so it isnt pregnancy.i also know i do not have and stds so any conception what this couldbe?

When women shave?

I do quite repeatedly have a pinkish discharge when I am ovulating , I mentioned it to my doctor he said that it could be considered usual when ovulating however if I had actual spotting at any other time next this needs investigating.

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The pinkish discharge which can be blood. To be on the sheltered side call your dr to see what they articulate.

Bulimic and scared?

periods come and they jump..tis could be stress related.
try not to stress out. you have see the doctor so you know there is zilch wrong.. enjoy the freedom it is giving you

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This is any the start of your period or your in fact having your spell. its happened to me a few times too, and i thought "this cant be it" but it be. ITs nothing to verbs about hunni, its purely very pallid. If your concerened though its best to get your mind settled and ask the doctor. But please hunni, try n relax and im sure you will be fine. Good luck. Hugz, Sarah xxx

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