Problems when urinating?

I think that I might hold some kind of infection or something. Ever since I get out of the bath tonight, I hold an extremely difficult time urinating because it stings so bad. If I hold an infection (which I think I do) what do you cogitate I have? If so, is it extremely key for me to contact my doctor right away or can I wait for an appointment? Please back! It's really hurting badly!

Help plz!!?

Ouch! That must really hurt weakly. Anyways, I remember having that problem a few years ago and it turned out that it be because of a bladder infection. You might have one. I would check next to the doctor or go to a website that can lend a hand you out. Hope you feel better, infections are not nice at adjectives!

Anyone have chronic yeast infections near Yaz or Yasmin BCP's?

i had this too. it is most potential a bacterial or yeast infection. go to your gynocologist without hesitation. monitor the systems when you are getting treatment to make sure it go away. putting vitamin e oil contained by that area can support with the irritation unil u see a doc

Ladiesdry foot?

Well when is your appointment? If it is tomorrow you can wait. If it is weeks from immediately, I would call tomorrow and create another appointment. It could be a bladder infection...try drinking a lot of cranberry liquid and water tonight. Take something for the anguish.

Or maybe you didn't rinse past its sell-by date as well as you thought. Good luck. Hope you discern better soon :)

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