Missed/late period, and manifestly not pregnant?

Usually my period is pretty regular, coming on a 28-day cycle similar to clockwork. But this month, I'm already on the 34th day (that's a week late) and nil. Because my period's so regular, this worries me. I've have slight cramps for the week but no bleeding. I don't know what could be causing it, and I'm emphatically not pregnant because 1. I'm a virgin, and 2. I have a girlfriend anyway.

Some extra info: I have a pap test done something like a week before my spell was supposed to start and it come back mundane. I also had to pinch an antibiotic for the week because I had a vaginal infection. Could my missed interval be linked to that, or even to the reality that I was within the ER for what they said was "stress" a few days in the past the gyn appointment?

Any ideas? Is it commonplace to miss a period or be this overdue? I've never had this develop before, so any inhabitants with experience who can bestow a clue are extremely welcome. It's solitary giving me more stress now.


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it's not normal to miss a time of year =you did mention you were on antibiotics for an infection and you be stressed out =this will cause the term to be irregular =hope next months comes in good time and if not =then ask for an ultra nouns to be done =sometimes there can be a growth or something to lead to periods not to come

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Probably a moment ago stress on your body or mind is causing it. No involve to worry.

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Stress can definately be a culprit. I know people who hold gone 2 wks late because of stress. If you're really concerened phone up your obgyn. The anti-biotics could also be doing it, you can look up online or call the pharmacy and ask just about side effects.

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it's middle-of-the-road, especially if you've been stressed out and be taking antibiotics.
if you are sure you are not pregnant you should just dally, and if you don't get your term within a week or so, consult you doctor.

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boy do I know this stuff lol. I have a hystorectomy when I was 27, yes you can be slow due to stress. if you are having cramps, its probably coming. but if nought by say wednesday, i would call upon the doc cuz you could have a cyst or something.

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stress and not ingestion right can stop your period. freshly relax. take a melt bath...or what ever make you comfortable. eat extra athletic for the next week or until you enjoy your period.

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We live in a world near many artificial things that can upset this. See site below for one POSSIBLE lead to of this that doctors do not know about. If you cannot find anything else later this may be it. Stress can effect health and menses.

Period too long?

I imagin that period can be late. Just distribute it a while and if it comes there is no want to worry and if it don't come possibly this month or even next month or if it don't come for a while, you call for to see a doctor, something might be wrong or something might be blocking the blood like cancer or something blocking it. If you don't wanna budge to the doctor right away or something, you should just pocket a pregnant test of late in bag.

Good luck!! =)

Worried about pregnancy?

I would utter that it's probably just stress (like everyone else have x.x). If that's not the case, perchance a slight hormonal imbalance. It's not weird and wonderful to have a past due period though and sometimes you can budge for a month, maybe even a year if your stress/cause is that severe. I wouldn't verbs too much though and just try to loaf it out. Maybe your eating some description of food or your normal endeavours are low? I'd say form issues (extra weight or drought of exercise or something I don't know) could contribute as well. So yeah, a short time ago try to wait it out and see what happen and if nothing change, then ask your doctor.
Hope this help.

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