Whats the most particular aphrodisiac to woman?

are woman stimulated by sight , nouns , smell or touch ?


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wow, thats a tough one as different woman seem to be to like different things. I dated one woman who only just loved my voice and everything i said. I had another that touches would transport shivers down her spines (liked many massage as well). sight is mostly a guy sense but females do find faultless mens builds attractive. smell is sorta since a girl doesn't want a guy to smell like BO. thats a terrifically hard ask to answer.

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I think its between verbs and touch(personally) lol

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The best aphrodisiac is communication. Sit next to her...talk to her...listen to what she say (pay attention!) and ask relevant questions.
NOTHING works better.

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power. so i guess it is sight and nouns.

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Alot of clitoris stimulation.alot..a adjectives lot!!

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I'd own to say touch and communication.

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emotional availability, emotional depth, authenticity,
monogamy, creativity, communication and adjectives of the above senses.

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One time I have such a bad cold that I couldn't fancy or smell anything. It made sex feel ...wierd... close to there be something wrong, so I'd have to right to be heard that smell is quite considerable, but touch is probably my main button.

Question roughly period?

Knowing women as I do, they are stimulated by touch, nouns, and smells the most!
Hence, while men are excited by glossy pictures, women are not! But the licking of a rampant penis, together next to the luscious slurps, moans, and delightful groans by both of you, and finally the musk-like smell of a penis,...Wow! it is the great combination of an ultimate aphrodisiac!

Does this nouns right to you or is it just me?

All of the above.

But women are adjectives individual and may have a nouns for one thing or other.

This nouns can change beside maturity or craving for mixed bag. Same thing can take very behind the times soon.

Is this true?


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