Birth control pills?

Since i started using the pill i been getting definite hungry,alot of people told me that the pill wouldn't cause you gain weight that the depo shot will.So girls is nearby a birth control method that i can use (besides the condom) so i wouldn't come out pregnant and won't gain weight?


Does any1 know what is tight-fisted by " Mo contan toi"?

Birth control increases your appetite. Eating makes you gain solidity. So as long as you do not increase your food intake, you will be fine. But the few punds you MAY gain is significantly less than if you achieve pregnant.

Period symptoms? or pregnancy?

some people DO gain wight from the pill.

it doesnt receive you eat more.. a moment ago get more bloated.
and jsut because you're ingestion more often does'nt be a sign of you'll gain weight.

try a differnt birth controll pill

i'm on the pill myself and i never gain weight.. but i enjoy gotten more hungry.

I can't make my mind up!!?

Not adjectives brands of birth control are the same. Just ask your doctor to write a prescription for a different one. I suggest something close to Mircette. It tends to work okay for a lot of the younger women that I know and own worked with. They report a low incidence of side effects, resembling weight gain.

You may own to try a few brands of BC before you find one that works best for you.

Good Luck

Has anyone have a good experience beside the copper IUD?

birthcontrol pills dont normal manufacture u gain weight, im them and didnt gain mass. But it is possible for them to make some family dependin on your body gain weight same go for the Depo.

I had sex adjectives last month i be 10 days late. on the tenth time my period come, should i still take a interview?

There are lots of options for birth control. The patch, the Nuva Ring, an IUD, the sponge, spermacides, different strengths of the pill, the feminine condom, tubal ligation, a cervical recent times to name a few. Visit your local form dept. or gynecologist for more information on bc options. Good luck!

What is going on beside me?

Just because you feel hungry, doesn't propose you have to put away. The only hormonal birth control proven to produce weight gain is the Depo Provera shot. While not adjectives brands of the pill are the same, none of them basis weight gain. Increase appetite is a side effect of the pill. You can address to your doctor about it, but as long as you exercise self control you will not gain cargo simply because you are on the pill. Another brand of 'the pill' may not have this effect on you. If it have been smaller amount than 3 months since starting 'the pill', give your body time to adjust.

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