Strange thing come out when I peed, been have the worst cramps of my life , am on time, see details?

It was red, looked resembling a peach pit, and did not disinigrate in toilet, I know this is gross bu t it's really freaking me out. Miracuasly my cramps stopped, is thi s really big clot or an ovary or something?

Please Help Will we lose this baby?

sounds close to a kidney stone not sure how you can miscarriage as it was passed within ur urine|!

I am19 yrd and my last sexual intercourse be in feb 12th and my menstual to show on feb 28th it be no show?

cysts maybe?
see a doctor

Is it true that, unlike men, women can experienced 3 kind of orgasm?

you should call a feminine nurse...just bid, and tell them what you saw. if they suggest its serious, they'll tell you to trade name an appointment with an ob/gyn or some other big-hearted of doctor. and nice use of imagery by the approach. looks like a peach pit..

Do YOU enjoy a sense of humour?

sounds like a clot. enormously common during menses. don't verbs unless it happens alot and tremendously heavily.

No feeling inside vagina?

Sounds approaching a kidney stone to me. Considering it was contained by your urine.

How can a female stay raining during sex?

I think it is regular because I have equal thing for lots years and I asked my OB/GYN and she says it is severely normal it resources that your eggs are releasing at the same time

Can i still get hold of pregnant the natrual way even tho i enjoy scarred fallopian tubes?

if it come out of your vagina, it is probably a piece of the lining of your uterus, this is massively normal but can come across scary. I'm 27 and I've have this happen 4 times since I be 14, I had desperate cramps before I passed it too. I talk to my OB/GYN and she confirmed its just a big piece of your monthly bin liner buildup. It seemed to come to pass to me especially after switching my birth control around.

Which birth control is the best?

If it is bigger then a nickel you obligation to go own it checked out immediatley. Any chance you could hold misscarried?

Any problems with the ortho patch?

The Urinary and the Reproductinve system are two different system, sounds resembling you have a bladder infection, which is not connected near the reproductive system. No it's not a clot, and it's not an ovary, these things can't pass thru the urinary system. Do you own burning, or fever, or spasm, other symptoms of UTI, if so call your md.

I requirement some help next to my body!!?

Sometimes the body does discharge a very stout clot. It is normal next to some women. Tuck yourself into bed and you will feel better surrounded by AM. Sweet Dreams!

What do you think of abortion? With so plentiful ways to use birth control I can't believe people still use abortio

it sounds similar to menstrual flow (a period)'s layers of blood and tissues that are shed so it would not dissolve within water... don't verbs, if your cramps go away, it sounds similar to a period...

What hold been your experiences beside the depo shot?

you could of had a miscarriagge in need knowing it

How much is the morning after pill , In the UK?

Try researching the symptoms on If you can't get answers that thrill you, you should definitely form a doctor's appointment. Actually, you should probably make an appointment anyway. Self-diagnosis really isn't the answer.

Does man sterilised young bring on menopause hasty?

It probably is just a blood clot. I know that when this happen to me, I have the worst cramps- but after there gone only like that. I enjoy also noticed that when within use of a tampon the cramps are worse. However, if it really freaks you out, you might want to go to your gyno.

How do i kno a women is have an orgasm?

It is normal it is newly tissue that your body is getting rid off but if it stick with and your period get heavy you should see your doctor.

Am i grease?

kidney stone u need to see a urologist

Anyone tried yaz birth control pill to assist with PMS?

First piece that comes to my mind would be a miscarriage...? Especially since you say that your cramps stopped AFTER you passed this. I would markedly contact your Dr. If you feel fine, walk to bed & get some suitable rest & call them first piece in the a.m. If not, consequently I would go to the ER, especially if you start hunch bad or bleeding really heavily. Hope this help, good luck.

Whats going on? Women answer just please?

omg are u serious?? its not a big problem..but it might become one...if u dont go to a doctor!! first of adjectives tell this to ur mom .....she might know what to do!! best warning: call a nurse or stir to ur doctor!! good luck...god will assist u

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