Worried give or take a few pregnancy?

Recently, my boyfriend and I had sex... We used a condom and he even pulled out beforehand he thought he was going to ejaculate. To be sure the condom didn't break, we checked it afterwards for rips, tears and holes. He also jam-packed it with hose down (odd I know it) to check for any ruptures. After checking it over, we thankfully found nil. I just needed to know how high the probability are that I could be pregnant. I am supposed to start my period anywhere from one to four weeks (my period are VERY inconsistant). Even though I am 19, I am just worried around this considering that was my first time ever have sex.

Why do some women have a problem beside semen?

Well, the odds are that you're PROBABLY fine, but as you know, condoms are never 100% sure. It sounds close to you're going through a lot of anxiety over this- is it really worth it? Kinda take all the fun out of it, doesn't it? Abstinence until you're really all set is the best policy, but if you can't wait, try birth control plus a condom for maximum protection, and cause sure your partner has be tested for S.T.D.'s.
Don't worry- you'll be fine. Just resolve to be safer the next time so you don't result in yourself unnecessary stress. Your period will be here since you know it!

Are condoms lubed when bought?Serious replies only gratefulness.?

I used to date a guy named Scott who did that. If the condom held hose, it probably held the semen as well.

What's stirring?? Please asker as soon as possible.?

You certainly covered your basis. It depends on where you are within your cycle, and how "fertile" you are. I wouldn't fret, your chances are slim. But bring on the pill or something for future encounter. The Pill if taken properly (i.e. everyday) really is very effective. I own the Mirena, an IUD, and I'm loving it. No pills and I can't even tell it's in attendance.

Which is better for Hair Growth on the head ---- Diane - 35 OR Yasmine - 28? and Why?

I would not verbs to much. You used a condom and it did not break I'm sure it is ok.

Boob job,possible complications ?

If nearby is no brakes then you should be fine unless he pulled out and took the condom bad and then ejaculate on you ie your thigh or something or touched you after he was done taking the condom stale if he had gotten any sperm on his fingers.

It sounds to me close to you are very afraid to seize pregnant so maybe you should not be have sex at this point in your life. You can clutch as many percausions as you can and still take pregnant. Its never fool proof unless you just dont hold sex.

Yes, this is really a question roughly speaking mynipples. :-\?

you should be fine but if you go on birth control pills that will minister to normalize your periods as very well as protect from pregnancy, still use condoms to prevent diseases.

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