Period too long?

never took any pills, not sexually active, period lasting over 20 days, hefty bleeding. What could be the cause and what is it that i can do?

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I suggest you consult a gynaecologist. Once I be bleeding for over two weeks thinking that I was have my period. But according to my gynae after examining me, I be having chronic cervical infection, plan that I was if truth be told bleeding from my cervix. Prolonged bleeding in the cervix could cause other complications, approaching changes contained by cervical cells.

Ovary pains!!?

Did you of late started having period?
If so, it's normal. If not, jump see a doctor.

Being short is always a aching?

Anything after 7 days is too long, especially if it's been filling bleeding all along. See your gynecologist ASAP. You could enjoy a uterine fibroid or endometriosis or something else. Bleeding so long is NOT normal especially since you say-so you're not sexually active and aren't on birth control pills. If you're outlook really yucky, get yourself to an emergency room.

I’m 26 and I own been experiencing pelvic or ovarian backache with deeply irregular periods every 2-4 months.?

There is no bearing to tell the end in of that without an exam and/or ultrasound. There are copious, many reason for such bleeding, ranging from infection to uterine polyps to fibroids to pregnancy to hormone inconsistency. You will need to be checked for anemia as ably due to the blood loss. You need to walk to the doctor asap.

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