Serious sex sound out?

I seem to really get hold of (happy) when it comes close to my wifes period. Not during, a moment ago when it is getting close... Please no silly answers (well maybe a few) is this common? by happy I have it in mind excited? We have be together forever and it seems to gain worse every month...

I hope this is normal..and I am not the lone one asking?

Maybe it is because she is ovulating.

1. Hidden ovulation
Though some studies suggest that men and women do have an knocked out sense of when a woman enters a fertile extent and is ripe for mating, at hand is no obvious outward sign as within is for most mammals. Many female monkeys, for example, acquire bright red butts when they release an egg. But women are poker butts, even to themselves, which is why they are left to temperature-taking and guessing neat to time ovulation.

Dr. Leonard Shlain, a San Francisco surgeon and author of “Sex, Time and Power: How Women’s Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution,” speculates that ovulation had to be concealed because women wised up and realize sex led to pregnancy, which lead to childbirth, which often lead to death for the woman. “Once women implied they could die as a result of having sex, why wouldn’t they abstain from sex?” But if women did not know when they ovulated, they wouldn’t know when they have to abstain in order not to risk dying nine months then (a theory that assumes they have a choice about whether to enjoy sex).

Girls views on masturbation?

She's putting out some chemical you're react to, probably!

Period and Waterpark?

She might be giving off some chemical vibes and stuff because she is becoming really fertile, and you merely want to get her pregnant...sorry i dont kno the right language but its all temper n stuff!

Whats is the Best Kind of Birth Control?

its normal lately basically yew hold the crvaing to do it

Do women's internal organs (cervix, etc.) move during the course of a month?

I am not sure why you would get joyful, but at this time, women release pheremones and stuff, thats why girls living together will have their period at the same time, the pheremones relieve to trigger it.

Must be something to do with the route your wife smells. ;)

Loestrin 24 fe question?

its ordinary,when u get an urge,basically take a cold shower it will lug ur mind of it.

Is it okay to take ibuprofen or tylenol while on birth control?

When women are on their cycle or roughly to have their length they become hornier. Its the body's way of unfolding a woman its time to mate. Perhaps you're reacting to the increase in her libido. Perhaps you subconsciously know that your wife is going to be hornier and you'll own more sex. And women can become more sexually agressive when they are ovulating so maybe your brain know your in for a right time.

Girlfriends vagina is not tight?

Maybe you are happy she is not knock up.

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