My breasts have a feeling sore?

Hello, I am 19 years old, i do not believe I own breast cancer or anything like that but i enjoy a few questions. My breasts enjoy felt really sore lately. I checked out some info on what your breast is made up of, and when i move my fingers around its sore. There are no lumps or anything odd than beforehand, just really sore. I am a size 38 C , could my breasts growing larger produce twinge when i squeeze my boob? Or could it be the fact im worried that i squeeze it to much that it become sore to squeeze? im not really sure, as much info as possible about womens breasts and signs please. THanks

Green pills?

~~*~~ There is a gland that runs into our breasts that can impose them be be sore when our hormone levels are dignified. Our breasts also tend to become swollen with wet weight. This can come to pass when we are a week prior to or on our period or if we are pregnant. It is also adjectives when a new birth control is started or if birth control have not been taken as regularly as usual. Another prospect is that you are indeed pregnant and you do not have adequate of the pregnancy hormone to show on the test. Call your Dr and grasp another test. You can return with help from near. If it is a bra issue, try "sister sizing". By doing that you would wear a 36D instead. (I used to work for a popular lingerie shop.)Good luck!!

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you may be getting ready to start your could be pregnant. There could be a number of things. If it persist, see your doctor.

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If they are really sore and you've been have sex, you are pregnant.

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That time of the month?


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are you on your term because that sometimes causes them to be aware of soar

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I used to get really tender breasts in the order of a week before starting my time. So perhaps it is that. On the other appendage, that could be seen as a sign of pregnancy. So, it could be any end of the spectrum.

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Not a doctor here, but if it gets worse return with to one, please - because you just may be pregnant or showing similar symptoms...

Take carefulness and good luck, eh?!

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it could be your just just about to start your period thats what happen to me

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my boobs are sore when im pmsing, so i could jus be pms. idk maby your symtoms are changing. or your pregnate.

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Your breasts can throbbing if you dont ovulate that particular month too.

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it couuld be that you may sleep on them or you may enjoy a back problem and the distress is coming form the breast

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You could be pre-mesntrual. A lot of girls get breast distress along with PMS right back their period.

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Get them check as soon as possible.
It is normal to own pain a few days earlier having interval, though. (however, you are too young to own this type of problem...)

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Usually soreness surrounded by and of itself is not a concern. If there is a unique spot that is sore may be more of something to verbs about. And, yes, you could be squeezing them too much. Stop that for a few days and see what happen. If they continue to be sore conceivably you should see a doctor.

Breast problem?

Your breast could be growing some. Consider the following though, are you about to enjoy your period? Are you sexually alive? Which I'm sure you know what that means. Is your bra not the right fit? How do you sleep at darkness? Have you gotten alot of exercise lately, more than usual?

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well my first suggestion would be to go to the doctor monday morning. it could be nil. when I'm menstral mine hurt like a b* and when I'm stressed out..same entity. could be diet? anything else more serious should be explained by a physician and if they hurt really bad, that should be a prompt to high-ranking tail it in asap!! angelic luck and try not to squeeze or touch them too much, that could be making it worse.

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could be hormonal change especially around the beginning of a menstruation interval.

could also be an early sign of pregnancy.

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period or pregency

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Well, when they are sore, sometimes it's because withdrawal of "support". Maybe you are wearing too loose of a bra. Usually, what does the trick is wearing a sports bra for a while. If you wear something more supportive, it helps. This problem is adjectives for people who own size C and bigger. Don't be too worried.

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Guess what: I had the exact item happen at the exact same age! It concluded up being cystic fibroids (not cystic fibrosis - that's totally different).
The doctor told me to stay away from two things: caffeine and citrus.
You'll be relieved to know that breast cancer doesn't typically do pain contained by the early stages, so it probably isn't that.
HOWEVER, you do have need of to see your GYN. Let them run an ultrasound on you. It isn't evasive, and it will tell you for in no doubt what it is. For me, I got to where on earth I'd scream if somebody just hugged me. They don't go away, but the twinge does go away. You'll enjoy sorer boobs during period time.
It's central to get it checked out for persuaded, because you can never be too careful. Meanwhile, PLEASE cut out adjectives citrus and caffeine.
Good luck

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It is very imagined that your breasts are sore because you are close to or are having your length - but they could also be sore because you are drinking too many colas beside caffine - you could have fibrocystic lumps contained by your breasts that you are not detecting in a self exam.

I have fibrocystic lumps within my breasts, and complained for years to my doctor that they hurt...for years he told me to give up caffine.when I finally listen to him and did...they quit hurting.

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GREETINGS, could be lots of things. It could be your periods in arrears and still coming soon and you built up fluid in your boobs, could be there's still a fortune of pregnancy, could be the bra you are wearing you are outgrowing, many things even hormonal change.

when it's near your time of year, try to avoid dairy products as that can cause some congestion surrounded by the lymph nodes, and also salt because that cause fluid retention.

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That happen to me too. Funny story, I asked my boyfriend to feel them to see if they feel bigger, they didn't. Well after his grope session we ended up have sex and lo and behold, I had of late gotten my period. V. gross, and V. shameful, but whatever. Don't verbs, if you've take the preggers oral exam you're probably just really close to your spell. don't be surprised if you wake up surrounded by the middle of the night soon to find you've purely gotten your period.

If contained by a week or so you're still tender and still haven't gotten your period jump to your gyno or a clinic and get tested in recent times in suitcase you are pregnant (but I take your word that you are not)

Also, coming from a 34 D, your boobs may be getting larger, but seeing as you're 19, I importantly doubt it. Also, if you've gained or lost mass recently that could be a factor as ably as how much you are exercising.

*sigh* I also have other theories. Your bra may be the wrong size, which is adjectives with profoundly of women, and that could be causing spasm. The drop and rise in warmth plays into your pain as economically. My last idea is that if you run regularly, your sports bra may not be quite as firm holding as you may deduce. Try to get an underwire sports bra as it administer more support.
I hope all is ably.
Good Luck!

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well sometimes just beforehand you come on a period l know this explanation lts happen to me but women`s breast tend to bring back very sore and sensative. lt is regular so stop squeezing them.

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Your perfectly fine nearby just growing more, but if you see any sores on them you might wan't to see a doctor.

Please backing me?

The reason that your breasts could be hurting is because you are waiting for your time to come.

I would recommend seeing your dr for further evaluation to see what they think.

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