What is the longest it is protected to leave a tampon contained by for?

In the leaflet that comes next to tampons it always say you should wear a tampon for 4-8 hours. But is it safe to walk off one in for longer?

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no never longer than 8 hours! After 4 hours it becomes a atmosphere for bacteria growth. So you should redeploy it every 4 hours. A little longer isn't gonna hurt you, but it's not good for you any. You could get an infection. And also they say aloud to wear a pad to bed instead of a tampon (seeing how you're asleep usually longer than 4 hours and sometimes 8!)

Ughhh so uptight?

Four hours, max, regardless of the type.

I have have sexual experiences, but have NEVER bledcould i still enjoy an intact hymen? can the doc check?

It is risky and I would not recommend it, but if you are flowing it could be ok for another hour or so.

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No longer than 4 hours. You can get Toxic Shock Syndrom if not here in longer

For sanitary and hygiene purposes.don't evacuate it in for longer than that because you dont want to be smelling around culture

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the packs are right. but you can also wear them over darkness. i have a bunch of times. but product sure you take it out right away when you wake up up

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The longer you leave on within, the more chance of contracting TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome). 8 hours is WAY too much in my judgment, and I have never disappeared one in for longer than 4-5 hours.

If running REALLY low on supplies, lately take it out, roll up some toilet dissertation, and ta da instant pad.

Skipping Periods-Girls Only?

Do a poke about on Pelvic Inflamatory Disease, ectopic pregnancy- increased risk of as a result of infection, and sepsis. That is the risk if you push the safety issue.

Period sound out women only please?

It depends. You should not give up your job it in in attendance for longer than 8 hours. but one time I was at the winding up of my period, so I be using a light tampon. I have put it in around ten within the morning and completely forgot about it. The subsequent morning, I remembered. No biggie. I didn't die and I didn't get an infection. Why would you want to keep hold of it in longer? Mine be an accident.

2 period in smaller amount than 2 weeks?

Depends on your flow. You NEVER wanna leave one surrounded by for more then 8 hours. If you hold a heavy flow you may wanna metamorphose it every 3 hours but with fluffy you can handle more but no more afterwards 8, you don't wanna get TSS.

Can I go and get my tubes tied?

NO! DO NOT leave a tampon surrounded by longer than 8 hours unless you want to risk getting TSS!

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