Girls with fuzzy stomachs.?

what is a good road to fix it without it coming subsidise?!

I need aid! girls only?

This is a hormonal issue. You involve to take birth control pills that inhibit testosterone (the manly hormone), or just the inhibiting drug itself (without birth control). Ask your doctor almost these drugs. They are often prescribed for this. Do so simply if you are so much bothered by it. Or, you can have laser coat removal done. That should rid you of the unwanted hair forever. If you don't hold that much hair, in recent times pluck it (just don't shave, because it causes the spike to grow stronger and thicker).

Is 7 inches ok?

well..i have like peas in a pod thing but its not as noticiable..dont shave it because when it grows rear legs it will grow darker and thicker

Alesse Birth control.NO sex drive?

If it's resembling peach fuzz, I'd call it cute. I even don't mind girls beside arm hair...but it usually isn't as sticky or coarse as guy's arm hair anyway. My first gf have arm hair that she never shaved, and it didn't influence how attractive I saw her as one bit. As long as you have curves and boobs, it's adjectives good.

Sickness past period, infantile 13 year old girl, What to do?

Waxing would be best. It hurts, but it last a few weeks. Go to the drug store and you can buy some that you could use at home.

Any women here that CAN'T have children?

lazer mane removal

I feel incredibly bad today i dont know whats going on?


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