Is chocolate good or fruitless for taht time of month?

and what else is or isnt?
and please dont suggest tea i don't like tea sorry.
what in the region of salty things?

Help please in puberty and bras?

Chocolate releases pheromones and chemicals in your body that "help" you during that time of month.

Brown bleeding?

makes no difference, raspberry fern tea will relax your cervix muscles and you can mix sweeteners in it if you will, it has little flavor. save for that, food matters totally little

How do you ease cramps?

hey i enjoy to say i love chocolate but that will grasp u fat? but hey if u really want it afterwards yes.salty nah i dont focus u should do that i think sweet stuff is better 4 that time of tha mounth

Signs of a cancerous confuse in your breast?

yes, chocolate releases prominent chemicals during that time.
Avoid caffiene and greasy foods.
heat pack are awesome
get pleanty of sleep, drink LOTS of water
try green tea ;)


advil is really fitting.

Anyone hear of the birth control drug lybrel. Which is supposed to stop your periods completely as long as?

Anything near caffeine in it is BAD for you when you have your time of year.

Chocolate contains caffeine, therefore it is unpromising for you.

Although it does soften your blood it still have that caffeine.

Other things that are bad are..
Tea as expected (sorry)

Anything with caffeine.

Other foods are biddable for you, except fast foods as expected but salty foods should'nt be a problem at adjectives :)

What is pms?

actually chocolate has caffeine in it, which isn't so well-mannered, because caffeine is a diuretic which makes you pee, and you inevitability to be well hdrated through that process, but in attendance are chemicals in chocolate which block reliable nerve receptors within your brain, just approaching drugs do, and that helps you consistency better. Ever heard the permanent status chocoholic? Yep, chocolate is just as much a drug as it is a food... kinda resembling a platypus is a mamal, with fur, but it have a bil and lays eggs, like a bird. Anyway.. what be I talking nearly? oh yeah, masturbating and having an orgasm relaxes cramped uterun muscles, and studies enjoy also shown it to prevent or lessen the severity of endometriosis. Salt isn't so bad because it make you retain water, which your body is doing anyway, a.k.a. "bloating" which is fine because you necessitate to be hydrated. Some women actually cart water pills that engender them pee so they don't get bloated, because they deem it makes them look large, but that's not healthy because your body really wants the extra fluid at that time.

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